Louis S. Stool

You sound like you work in EMS too. Since that's obviously true, as you know exactly what my personal response should be to this situation that you did not experience and clearly understand better than me, let me ask you a few questions about how I should go about your prescribed plan of action. 1) should I report

Yeah. All those police officers who resign because of the guilt. Must be at least 1 of those every 10 or 20 years or so.

Ummmm ... Ok. Thanks for deciding for me. I'll get right on that.

He was talking about a previous call I wasn't present for. The call we were on was completely separate, no dogs involved. Just him being cool, talking about how awesome it was to end the life of someone's pet.

I work in EMS, and recently had a call where there was a hothead cop bragging "that was a good day, because I got to fire my gun." He killed a dog, and was apparently happy about it. I don't know why the fuck cops look for excuses to kill animals or people, but it certainly seems that they actively look for reasons to

Not all white men?

*Freeze Peach*

Pics or your comparison is shite, shitehawk. Fuck outta here with this shit. Let that be known for Burneko too. We need pics for these segments. Anything less is half-ass.

Chiropractors should never offer opinions on anything.

one might even say it is ironic.

Gold Aventador? Bish please.

That's a pretty sweet apartment building?/warehouse? that person gets to look at everyday.

Also, grocers know that white folks like myself will gladly pay twice as much for pork belly.

See: Joe, Prop

This is true of every living thing.

scrolled through a ton of comments and saw no reference to the 7th Flo' Crew. Pretty surprised, also surprised Barry made no reference to it .

See: Rousey, Ronda

Is the Wisconsin Butterfly the cheddar version of the Tuscaloosa Dumpling?

The amputee is a former Marine. Google marine amputee and it will probably autocomplete with underwear model.