They carry leprosy. So, you know, in case you're wanting some good old-fashioned biblical leprosy, not the best pet choice.
They carry leprosy. So, you know, in case you're wanting some good old-fashioned biblical leprosy, not the best pet choice.
If you're considering suicide, please don't.
Early reports indicating the princess was fighting Manziel Reds & Greys are yet to be confirmed?
Proof of what happens when you have flouride in your water and eat GMO's.
I felt the same way about Heylia in Weeds. She couldn't have been more of a stereotypical, sassy, mammy, female Morgan Freeman, magical negro composite character, racist as f&$k. Not to mention the other black characters. Jenji Kohan is so full of shit it's pathetic. 'People called me devil Jew bitch! I'm a minority…
Cut his nuts off, shove them in his mouth, and then disembowel his punk ass in front of home plate at Fenway.
The same motivation that anyone who rats out their partners has:
1)fear of the investigator (parents or military) unlikely in this case
2) self preservation/lesser punishment, highly likely in this case
It's cool, didnt mean to reply. Kinja probs. Just nodding my head trying to understand your point of view, cuz I totes don't get Russell's. for someone who claims Buddhism and mindfulness, not very mindful and not at all in keeping with Right Speech, but obviously he didn't realize wtf he was doing. I'm a gregarious…
It's okay Erin. Have another cigarette.
People tell me he's Black and I believe them, because he looks like he should be stopped and frisked. (apologies to Colbert)
Um, let it go? Jesus fucking Christ. Who gives a shit what your asshole high school tormentors are doing now? Obsessing over her stupid ass is ruining what a good space you're in now. Don't hold onto that shit. It's over and done.
Locker room Jesus lovin' is the best kind.
can't we all just hope she's a badass and will be a uterine rights champion DESPITE going to Liberty? Also I don't know how to italicize on Kinja.
I 2nd not reading the comments. Pretty much a bad idea to read any YouTube comments at any time.
It almost sounds like Dead Milkmen's Punk Rock Girl.
Specifically, white girls, as in: 'i got them white girls'
Sure. The same guy that said "I'll fight every nigger here" authored the above statement. It's interesting that attending country music concerts has such a negative effect on one's communication skills.
!!!! More about the potassium and calcium please!