Rogers is Satan owned and operated, so they will always be the bad guy, in any scenario.
Rogers is Satan owned and operated, so they will always be the bad guy, in any scenario.
In short: the DH can go fuck itself.
You can, by all means. In what way do you feel you’re being told that you can’t?
Why does a group that hasn’t even made the World Series yet deserve to have a book written about them?
Monreal is better than Shaw and Blind.
This happens in every country in Central America, it’s routine. They give out the hotel phone number and try to call the players rooms. Local radio stations set up shop outside the hotel and hold all night parties with loud music. They refuse access to the stadium, forcing the US to practice on shitty fields. Busses…
Agreed. I felt zero sympathy for Panama for this exact reason. They’re just as culpable as Mexico, and the referees in this confederation in this whole “CONCACAFing” shitshow.
Who cares? There's no difference between losing in the finals and losing in the quarter finals. They lost.
Even Seriouser Question: Is there another sport where the self-proclaimed best team whines about having to play another good team?
It’s better just not to say it, regardless of race. I’m a black guy and probably the only time I’d ever consider dropping an N-bomb at karaoke would be in a private room with all black friends. And even then, I probably wouldn’t do it.
I think anyone that gets offended by breast jiggle should stop being such a wimp.
Does being fired from your own website count as being defeated?
Harden is still hitting 3’s in the offseason.
He started the night facing away from her, but then turned over 13 times.
I’m coming here from Deadspin, which means that I am much more white, male, and conservative than your average Jez reader, so take this with a grain of salt:
That shut-in thing would be so awesome. People should look into that.
“Having a child doesn’t mean you have to stop living your life and limiting where you go...”
Actually, that’s exactly what it means. Having a child means changing your lifestyle significantly.
Man, think of how much farther a DH would have hit that.
Must have been somebody charging the mound.