
It’s about ethics in gaming journalism.

That’s true. If Dunham looked like the ladies on GoT I’d watch girls. I do have a mute button.

Wait, is your girlfriend/wife shoving something that looks like the Stanley Cup into her vagina for days every month and telling you it’s a tampon? I might have some bad news for you friend.

Meeting quotas on posts and words to get paid.

Why not make Ultimate Power? That’s a great FF story and it incorporates S.H.I.E.L.D., the X-Men, the Ultimates and Spider-Man. Mix in the Squadron Supreme and some Doom-Fury shenanigans and a great ending. It would be a wonderful movie.

Lol you’re going to hell.

Looking at how they dealt with Bryan Stow, is there any doubt that the Dodgers are the worst, scummiest, most despicable team in professional sports?

Literally. LITERALLY there are more Lions alive now because of this guy. But keep thinking he’s evil because you can’t think critically.

You could hunt a lion. Until you do I have no respect for you.

LOL. People like you are why we can’t have nice things and why we need warnings on everything. The world is shades of grey and you insist on living black and white. It’s funny and sad all at the same time.

Fuck you. Panama is one of the worst places on earth. Hopefully everyone there gets dysentery and shits themselves to death. Starting with you. Get fucked with a rake.


You know what? Fuck Panama. During the qualification for the last world cup, to get into the hex, Canada went down to Panama for a game.

As a TFC supporter, fuck Klinsmann for taking Jozy at all after that hamstring injury. He should have been resting.


Here he is without the spandex.

What about rapping the various racial epithets that are peppered throughout modern hip hop? Are such things acceptable to rap when you’re not of a certain ethnicity? What about when you are in mixed company?

Wow, good thing they’re fixing it because this sin’t a video game or hentai.... wait a minute.

What about Nicki Minaj?!

Gonna be pretty great when they lose to Canada in the Semi-finals. There will be no corrupt Norwegian referee to bail you out this time, you mexico-touchers.