
Please do not desecrate Saint Bender by comparing him to Cruz.

The 95-96 Red Wings, who won 62 gms and lost to the Stanley Cup champ Colorado Avalanche in the conference finals that jumpstarted their rivalry

“Hi! It looks like you’re trying to run an A-2 Gap Slant? Would you like help running an A-2 Gap Slant?”

Why was that quote formatted by Franz Kafka?

I believe “fire” is an appropriate response.

I don’t understand people who say they can’t wait for this election to end.

Guys, I don’t want to rock the boat here, but I’m starting to think local governments and team owners don’t care very much about taxpayers.

We’ve got Mohra
Amir Mohra
I just don’t think you understand
He’s Tur Abdin’s man
And better than Zidane
We’ve got Amir Mohra!

aka, Schilling’s Byproxy

Loophole? Damn near killed him.

Wait, so two yellows and you’re ejected?!? What is this? Football?

I misread this as “Best homophones in baseball.” They Haight gaze inn the write whey.

This made me laugh in my cube a lot louder than I should have.

Lester Holt, meanwhile, is constantly trolled for being terrible at throwing over to first base...

Clearly you’ve never been with a Vassar chick.

Announcer 1: “Oh for the love of the game! Another fan storms the field”

No. Flooding in louisiana is obviously caused by poor black people and god’s anger about a new democratic governor. You gotta refresh Breitbart to keep your takes burning bright.

I have no problem with this but I have a counterproposal. Could we load both of them into a cannon and shoot them into the sun?

The sheer irony of the error in a sentence that begins “If you needed that last part to be spelled out” is so rich, it probably owns land in Svenborgia.

I am hoping to be wrong, but are terrorists running his twitter?