
And rightly so. It’s very disturbing. I can’t remember who said it (probably multiple people), but election interference is something they do a lot of, and they’ve been doing it for nearly a century. Then again, when Iran had a popular democratically elected prime minister in the 1950s, we thought nothing of

I would stop you at “false promises.” And I would stop you there because every elected president wins by making promises they can’t keep.

Some of these working class voters are dumb, but that’s not universal. Some people in Marin County are morons, too, and they have really good jobs. So?

I think the Democrats did more than enough to botch this up but there’s a lot to be said about the endless line of bad press that Clinton received. Being the preordained winner of the Democratic Primary every point Sanders gained became a, “What’s wrong with Hillary?” story. Any time any other candidate received any

Russia didn’t sway the election, no matter how much they interfered. That may have reassured dyed-in-the-wool voters, but these were two terrible candidates with firmly entrenched bases. What won it for Trump was swing voters in Rust Belt states; they voted for him because they believed — supported by no evidence

We’ve had shitty governments before. Enough of the doom and gloom, start thinking about what you want and how to help achieve it. Start now, because elections are in less than two years.

This is the payoff on the long con of typewriter inventor Jerry Qwerty.

Frobots are crap... I prefer TransFromers.

Ahoy-hoy, Topeka Chuckle Hut!

I thought it meant “I draw caterpillars.”

The only angle better than this was Savage jumping off the top rope and smashing Ricky Steamboat’s throat in. The subsequent weeks of Steamboat faking his way through speech therapy was amazing.

I wonder what gave him dementia

So you’re saying only high population centers are allowed to make Federal decisions? You should read up on the term “Tyranny of the Majority”, and somebody named Tocqueville. Alexander Hamilton, in letters to Jefferson had a lot of interesting things to say about this too.

Politicians played politics. Film at 11.

Raines would’ve been first ballot if he didn’t play in the same era is Rickey Fucking Henderson.

I used to shoot like that too. Rise up strong then it all goes wrong. It was the ice in my veins making everything herky jerky. I got an antifreeze transfusion and now I shoot just as bad as anyone else at the gym.

Hey, pal, just can it with the fucking “prescient observations,” yeah? This here is partisan bickering.

The fact you say “literally” every other pundit not working for Trump shows how full of crap you are.

Maybe now he’ll be able to refurbish that can.