
I’d like to know who the wiseacre was who thought Columbus was “metropolitan”. Clearly they’ve never been there.

Man, what a wild rally.

Ugh. Really? It wasn’t funny then. It’s not funny, or relevant now.

Pandas they tried to mate, without knowing that both were male. So goes the anecdote...

Nixon’s time in office was a cautionary tale of fear and loathing. He was effective at what he did, even if ethically questionable. Plus, he got the US a pair of pandas. That has to count for something.

The country survived Nixon. And Nixon, according to many of his time, was going to unravel the country. But it just trudged along. The same with Reagan. The same with Dubya. Trump is just another president whose administration we will survive. I think it’s a bit kneejerky to be losing one’s shit, before he’s taken

It’s rudimentary, but it may help; there’s a mobile game called New Star Cricket. Worth a shout to learn basics, et al.

Big Sam isn’t the sexiest name out there, and he is coming off a humiliatingly brief 67-day spell as England manager that ended in scandal...

Man, classy dragging the back foot...

This app is now illegal in Ohio...

The build play on that attack was fantastic. It is a shame that it didn’t come to anything. However, all credit to the defender, I think, for defending his goal so valiantly. I’d hazard a guess that the defender flying in disrupted that forward’s concentration, and gave him the opening. Great display.

That’s what a futsal player from England would like that. He or Le Tiss.

That was just an amazing shot. Almost made it without a bounce too.

In best Bonesaw voice...

There needs to be a Tumblr for all of these logos.

The USMNT doesn’t respond to adversity well. They always look for the safe pass when pressed. And they never look beyond a small sliver of what’s in front of them, to try to unlock a defense. I don’t blame Klinsmann for the lack of mental fortitude on the pitch. That’s down to the players. They have no mettle. They


+1 Mr. Smithers

They also won the NPSL title.

+1 for pasting Vernie gave to Roy