Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life is also a wonderful book. Open it to read random entries is an instant pick-me-up.
Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life is also a wonderful book. Open it to read random entries is an instant pick-me-up.
is that really homosexual, though? As opposed to ....idk, appliance-sexual?
Tangentially related, I’m still waiting on my check from all the ‘paid protesting’ I’ve been doing. Who the hell do we file our complaints with? Is our Paid Protester HR Department equally fake?
Somebody upthread said that they print up two sets of those cards so that there’s a set on either side of the stage? So maybe the other one of the pair somehow got into Beatty’s hands.
Morning all. I thought this was pretty cool:
Geez, it’s just basic vagina formal wear. Get with the times.
Why does Dr. Luke always look like a divorced dad who just bought a leather jacket because he’s “trying to get back out there”?
He’s not technically wrong when referring to the commonly used federal conflicts of interest statute. The Emoluments Clause you cited in the Constitution is much more tenuous and would need to be litigated; it would be a difficult case to prove given the inspectificity of the Constitution - see: abortion rights.
I volunteer to check on him
I think he looks hot.
Dr. Luke Clams Kesha Owes Him a Whopping $1.3M in Royalties
She and Fredrick Douglass are hanging out.
Ok who want to forwards Lady Gagas show to Judge Brown for A Shade Court ruling, becaus that whol3 thing was shady and it is even got Rubio et al to compliment it. Singing about gay rights, how you can’t choose where you are born. The part about where they were holding the lights like torches.
I am a white, suburban, stepford-ish mom (altough I don’t stay at home, I will bake 6 dozen cupcakes after work, for the bake sale). I do not watch Today. It’s Food Network or bust in my house.
If everyone leaves, he’s not president of anything anymore. I say all 50 states disband and reform as the United States of Not Trump.
He converted long before he ran for office. He’s grew up in California, Arizona and Colorado and went to BYU on an athletic scholarship. He still holds individual records at the school, and he converted in his last year at BYU. I doubt he was planning on running for office when he was a senior in college. He was…
I don’t know who decided to scare Emma Watson away from meth use, but there had to be a less disturbing way.