
Wait, I’ve got it! She’s a talented musician/singer/actress and comes equipped with her own muppet wardrobe: Lady Gaga

I wish The Muppet Show was still on, she would make an excellent host.

I felt differently about Colin and his wife. To me it didn’t feel out of character that he would have the kind of relationship where she would be in charge. I won’t go into the whole powerful men (or at least men who like to think of themselves as powerful by pushing others around) seek to be the submissive one in a

^ lovin the name.

Yes, D.C. rents are too high for the most part, I agree. But, counterpoint: Crofton, MD + Metro card. I like her and want her to succeed but she ain’t gotta live in GTown ya’ know.

I dunno. That looks to me more like they were trying to evoke The Prisoner than The Good Place.

Well, you’re on the right track. But I’m thinkin ole Kempy may have also decided to make a few more changes, in addition to being deceased:

Many long-time Marylanders (I am one) pretty much have been thankful for a parade of interchangeable beige governors, regardless of party, after:

I’d like to see Ben Jealous as gov but if I had to pick one race in MD to win, it would definitely be Jesse Colvin booting Andy Harris the fuck out. Chances are, both incumbents are probably gonna win. Hogan because... ehh - he’s not the worst governor in the U.S. (and Jealous hasn’t exactly run the most vigorous

Reisterstown MD is in Baltimore County which is north of the city of Baltimore.

Way back when WHFS was a fer-real alternative radio station (early 70s to mid-80s, and even a little after the move from Bethesda MD to Annapolis) they used to do a full halloween night playlist that was awesome.

“Beijing, in particular, is hoping to gather information on how Trump thinks”

That pot of chili weighs quite a bit more than 50 lbs. Just sayin’

You come at the king, you best not hiss.

Maybe somebody could start a crowd-funding page to buy all the tickets, then not attend any of the events - leaving those two to sit in the empty venue & possibly have to talk to each other.

“... a Yankees fan ...”

I can still convince myself that, in the moment, it was a logical move not to put in Britton without the lead.

I go the long route:

I think a squinty-eyed Anna Paquin would be closer

Technically not an original song but still one of my favorites: