There is a distinct lack of Jon Bois on here. They are mostly sports adjacent videos but the subject matter and the way he presents and narrates can get even the most sports-hating person to watch a 6 hour video on the Atlanta Falcons (among others)
There is a distinct lack of Jon Bois on here. They are mostly sports adjacent videos but the subject matter and the way he presents and narrates can get even the most sports-hating person to watch a 6 hour video on the Atlanta Falcons (among others)
I...I like “Always”...
Sounds very similar to the UK show Travel Man, which was a lot of fun, though it did manage to make Richard Ayoade moderately less likable, which honestly I didn’t think possible.
I honestly think I’m too scarred by the election and the past several years to think American drug-fueled/psychopathic behavior is amusing, and likely won’t watch this. We are so close to living in this dumpster fire permanently.
Ugh, I remember this woman from the 80's... why would anyone try to redeem her and how could you possibly get someone like Jessica Chastain to play her? An awful, awful woman.
I get all sorts of bad vibes from this dude, and having a kid with him may be the first in a line of questionable decisions from Brit…and that in no way contradicts the notion that ending her conservatorship was the right idea.
“Not having them” is the best parenting advice that unfortunately I did not heed.
I think it should read“...very loosely based on...”
Your a douchebag if you go into starbucks. Over Roasted and burnt coffee , ordered by pretentious A-holes, who load their burnt ass coffee with so much garbage, because the coffee is that disgusting.
Or Bitch Hunter.
I may have missed them in the ridiculous slideshow, but no MILF Island or God Cop from 30 Rock?
It could also be an airsoft gun with the safety markings removed.
I see convergence as a bigger phenomenon than stagnation. What would happen if you contrasted different models of the same year - would modern vehicles vary as much as older vehicles? (I.e. would the differences between a 2021 Corolla and a 2021 Golf be more or less than the differences between a 2011 Corolla and a…
I like it grilled. The browned kernels are delicious. Butter, salt, pepper. Sometimes a little queso fresco.
Religion within itself is not necessarily a poison, but organized religion definitely is.
A feature most people would call frivolous, the heated steering wheel. I’ve had problems with my hands since I was in my 20's and they get worse when it gets cold. A heated steering wheel can make all the difference sometimes. Unfortunately, in my V60, I would have had to get the option package that includes all of…
A clutch pedal
Organized religion is fucking stupid and (should be) irrelevant to politics.
To be fair, it looks like he slowed way down and stopped once he hit the warning bar, but there isn’t enough distance to stop a big truck like that between the bar and the bridge. Seems like you could move the warning bar aways up the street. Or use a laser beam 1/2 block before the bridge, which when broken sets off…
I suggest “Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner” as an alternative/supplemental to “Werewolves of London”.