
Stalker, my friend. For the majority of the film three russians wander around a bleak countryside. And yet, I love it.

I watched it for the first time a few days ago and thought for most of it: “You could really cut half of this out”. Then I realized what I would do is keep the opening text and cut the next 80-90 mins. I am fairly certain an audience could still follow the plot in the remaining 90 mins.

Love the Austrian one, no idea what they are saying but it scores for enthusiasm.

Although I also did not necessarily intend to order one “Daisy Ridley” I will be keeping this item as.. umm.. the kids seem to like it. Yeah, that works.

I’m gonna have to call MasterCard. I do not recall having purchased one “James Corden” but one has arrived in my country of residence. I will gladly return Mr. Corden to the vendor for a full refund. If that cannot be arranged can I at least exchange him for a comparable item, like maybe half a Jimmy Carr?

Also, the earth is just on the other side of the sun? WTF.. I was starting to think they sent this bunch up just to get rid of them.

That was monumentally stupid but still not a brain-dead as “the constellation is upside down”.. in a space station that we repeatedly see has may rotating parts and had been in orbit. But yeah, the constellations should still be in a fixed 2D attitude. Thanks World’s Best Scientists!

Yeah, that was really my point I think. Everybody seemed to be from a completely different kind of movie. I certainly wouldn’t blame any of the actors, this one’s all on the director/producers.

I’m all for silly space stuff but this was an incoherent mess. Even the characters seem to be from completely different scripts. I like Chris O’Dowd but it seemed like he thought it was a Red Dwarf epsiode.

and yet this shit happens. Around Halloween I have a hair trigger on the mute button.

Kit Kat bars. Even now just thinking about it I can feel the anger rising in me. Really any commercial that heavily features the sound of people eating makes me want to physically assault a random ad executive. But mainly it’s that goddam Kit Kat one.

There was. And thanks a lot for making me remember it.

I am putting 10 bucks on “something to do with Omarosa”.

I’ve always felt that the best science fiction could be stripped of any fantastical elements and still work as an examination of humanity, politics, religion, sexuality, what-have-you.

Hey, everybody remember when we had a president?

That looks even worse than I thought it was going to be. And the CGI doesn’t even look as good as Final Fantasy cut scenes.


I’ve got couple regulars, mostly Sports Night and 30 Rock but I’ve also got some that most people probably wouldn’t think of as “comfort”:

If by “We’ve been enjoying David Fincher and Joe Penhall’s Mindhunter a lot lately” you mean “We handed the episode reviews over to someone that obviously hates the show” then... sure, I guess.

OK, I’ll admit it. Big, loud, astoundingly stupid disaster movies are my cinematic equivalent to a secret drawer of pringles and m&m’s.