Debbie’s a problem, to be sure. At first I thought she would be more of a mirror for Holden to see how his work was having an effect on him. That didn’t so much pan out. One way or another, there’s far too much of her.
Debbie’s a problem, to be sure. At first I thought she would be more of a mirror for Holden to see how his work was having an effect on him. That didn’t so much pan out. One way or another, there’s far too much of her.
They’re obviously all doing it wrong.
I would have expected a higher number.
As a lib-to-the-bone, it’s painful for me to say but.. he lied under oath to congress. Now, I really don’t care what he did. Bang anybody you like, makes no difference to me. But don’t ever.. ever.. lie to the people about it. He deserved to be impeached and should have been removed from office.
First film I remember being described that way is Raging Bull, which IMHO pretty much sets the standard for “Great film you never want to see again”.
Ehhh... You never know.
Yeah, pretty much. I’d love to pull some little-known experimental czech power polka film out of my ass but who am I kidding? It was probably something inane like “Lucky Star”
In Lostratland we will be granting any group that wishes to hold a rally permission to do so with the following condition: No clothing (or weapons/shields/placards/banners/flags/bullhorns/etc.) besides basic underwear.
I was in high school and had already come to the conclusion that Reagan was gonna get us all vaporized anyways.
At least you’ll never run into some dipshit that extols the wondrous cleansing properties of Crystal-infused Kinja extract (now with almond dust!).
I’ve said it before and I’ll likely have to say it again... If you buy a $500 bottle of GOOP tonic, you’ll get exactly what you deserve.
Yeah, same thing happened to me. Looked like it didn’t work, popped open a browser tab and immediately closed it but then when I refreshed this page... it asked me to do the kinja display name, yadda yadda.
I wholly support not eating (or hunting or intentionally running over) turtles with an exception:
I'm fairly certain that's Bryan Cranston on the left
Couple years is my completely un-scientific guess.
It's come to the point where I find myself admiring the actions of the CEO of a pharma giant:
"universally enjoyed"?
I think he thought he was doing the right thing. I think he was led to that belief by Cheney and Rumsfeld, who definitely knew they were selling the American people a lie. Would someone else have done a better job of navigating post-911 decisions, particularly military? Probably but who knows.
It doesn't get split by the lightning when Odin wipes out the henchmen, it starts out that way (I had to go check).
I'm probably just showing my utter lack of a religious upbringing and/or knowledge of mythical beings, but does anyone know why there was a large split boulder on the stairs during the end scene?