Yeah, I'm pretty much with you on that. I like her acting. Everything else she does seems monumentally silly but still harmless. Frankly, if you're gonna pay $15k for a dildo you deserve exactly what you're gonna get.
Yeah, I'm pretty much with you on that. I like her acting. Everything else she does seems monumentally silly but still harmless. Frankly, if you're gonna pay $15k for a dildo you deserve exactly what you're gonna get.
Good Lord..
For me it's always 30 Rock too.. weird.
I think they'd be doing a disservice to fans everywhere by not making something with all 3 - Rowan Atkinson, Jackie Chan, and Shia LaBeouf. That's got "the right project”" written all over it.
Pretty much this.. Go to any used book store and you should be able to buy an entire cardboard box of SF paperbacks for less than ten bucks. The older and more discolored the better.
"The Colts faithful felt betrayed when Indy stole their team. So they stole Cleveland’s."
I'm seeing it as the AV Club version of The Purge. One free for all comment area to just let out all your aggression on supposedly beloved art that you just can't stand.
I am considering working myself up into a frenzy and hatewatching the bejeezus out of it, just to see how much I can take.
All John Williams film scores. To me they are instantly recognizable and almost as quickly take me out of whatever story is on the screen.
You made it 3 episodes more than me.
World of Warcraft Brawler's Guild - Rank 8: Hexos
I agree with all these points and would've held my upvote because I also enjoy the number list synergy but I can see somebody already messed that up.
The Hulu service is supposed to have DVR as well.
That's awesome. Good to hear.
Total side discussion Mrs. LA but.. how goes things? Still hanging in?
I just stick to not going outside
On the FireTV stick yeah, it's crap. Streaming works ok but… it's gonna take you 5 minutes to navigate there.
For a single stream, yes.
The bunny is obviously the loose cannon.