Lost in Transposition

So what is “the mission?” Keeping everything as milquetoast as possible?

Actually, Rocket has a shockingly large part.

It’s actually the letter Γ, on a scale of þ to ش. 

Ugh. I’d been enjoying the show so much without the stupid fucking love triangle in the way of everything.

I guarantee my dipshit conservative family is sharing this as actual news.

Being able to browse for cool, hard-to-find movies is what I miss most about indie video stores. I wouldn’t have been able to see Battle Royale, Lone Wolf and Cub (the real version), or a lot of other rarities without the knowledgeable hand of the store owner.

That shit is part of what killed them “Let’s buy 100 copies of this new release so we can’t actually make much of a return on it!”

Let me know how that works out for you.

Are you trying to come off as a suburban thirteen year old because if so you’re doing a fantastic job.

Except there was no lynch mob. The documentary came out, people wrote some articles and had some conversations, and it mostly died down until as episode aired that addressed the matter in a tone that managed to be neither funny nor insightful.

I also don’t remember anyone promising me that shows I liked in my childhood would go forever uncriticized for their ethnic stereotypes.

Apu doesn’t “offend” me, he “insults” me…and my community. I’m an adult with bigger things to deal with. My film was meant to tell you to go fuck yourself & discuss why I want you to go fuck yourself & how we can prevent future incidents of people wishing others “self-fuckery.”


For me, this has become less about Apu and more about the fact that the showrunner of The Simpsons is comfortable sharing an article from the National Review to defend his smirking contempt for fans willing to have a conversation.

Yes, I’m sure that was Kondabolu’s actual motivation and not pointing out something that maybe people didn’t understand about portrayals of people from the subcontinent in American entertainment.

The argument that Lisa was the mouthpiece for the writers’ shitty beliefs because she’s Apu’s friend is kind of insane, no?

I actually called their customer support to ask about this since I noticed that at my parents house, this doesn’t happen. They claimed there’s no way to turn it off and took down my suggestion for an “enhancement” to get rid of the crap feature they added.

I do this crazy thing that gives me anxiety where I try to skim through movies before the ads auto-play.

These ads are probably the most annoying thing about Netflix.