Lost in Transposition

So, I looked up Queen Sugar and guess what I found in the stills? People with beards! No, not the kind from The Life Of Brian, but they look real! So Du Vernay is hiring men after all and just saying she only hires women for the press, otherwise there could be suing. Luckyly I don’t care much who gets hired by a

Despite very mixed reviews, it still made over $95 million at the domestic box-office and is currently the seventh highest-grossing film of the year. She aso made the well-received Selma.

Yes, she can be sued. But she said what she said as a threat to the studios to protect herself. Basically she announced that if a male director sues her for this she’s going to cause the major studios a lot of problems by countersuing them. So if the studios want to avoid that trouble, they best keep their little

The G.R.O.S.S* Foundation prepares to pull funding for OWN immediately

ex-fucking-zactly. i’ve never heard of a woman suing a show for only hiring men directors, so even if she does hypothetically lose it opens the floodgates.

As the Dude said, “you’re not wrong Walter, you’re just an asshole”.

So, I guess people are gonna get mad about this too huh? Cool cool. I mean, why though? You could interpret this as discrimination if you want, I guess, but there are such things as self selective groups. I’m not gonna get mad at a black fraternity, or a lamaze class , or at a lawn bowling club, for not accepting me

Also why isn’t there a white history month, amirite?

You wrote this response to someone on the Dennis Miller article:

Oh yea back when Jaha though he was Moses staff and all. This episode made me realize that apart of Jaha just wanted recognition..He only helps other leaders once they realize just how hard it was to be him on the arc..Its why he started helping Clarke last season and in this episode Octavia.

I was worried that Isaiah Washington’s continued presence in the opening credits meant that he would be sticking around, and I was so glad that wasn’t true. 

I don’t know if we ever really figured out how much of that was “blind fanaticism” and how much of it was, you know, the brainwashing that ALIE did to everyone else. I think she tapped into his leadership and oratory skills to sway others so it seemed like him personally selling it, but he was as much influenced as

I think he’s been his best when he’s able to serve as a foil to other characters during political conversations, such as the guidance he gives Octavia in this episode. He proooobably would have had some thoughts on the whole gladiator concept if he’d been able to survive another hour. When he had his own personal

Okay, it looks to me like after 6 years that Octavia has the final say on who lives and dies post gladiator fight. So I think that’s there to prevent that kind of thing.

I understand how Octavia could go from the mantra who cares they’re just blankets to the mantra of corporal punishment is necessary for our survival in the span of the time of the episode. Octavia’s conversion to trial by combat seems like the writers really wanted to double down on some theme and didn’t care how they

I’m also so relieved that they are letting Miller have a relationship with Jackson that makes sense. They actually kiss! I know that sounds like no big deal, but Miller’s relationship with Bryan was so stilted, with two actors who looked so uncomfortable together. Jackson is someone we know and care about, so this

I think the point is that some Indians are saying “Yeah we have a problem with this character” and white people are going “No you don’t.” I would hope that by this point we might have figured out why that’s not an okay response.

I love that you included periods for “i.e.” but absolutely nowhere else in your comment. I almost want to try to read it aloud.

It’s AMAZING how poorly their public responses to this have gone, when it should be pretty simple

Matt Groening turned into Scott Adams so gradually, I didn’t even notice.