Lost in Transposition

There were directors in the stills??? That’s pretty weird.

If someone successfully sued for discrimination it would set a precedent that would allow for other studios/shows to be sued for the same reason. It’s a very clear “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander” situation. A suit in this situation would open an *immense* can of worms.

Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a kid?

Two full seasons with zero women! Great job Nat Geo!!

This was our local newspaper’s coverage, which I thought was more entertaining

I wasn’t going to watch this anyway, because from the article it sounds like a not-fun, hot mess. The video is not available in Canada so I will continue on with my assumption.

Maybe “kids” aren’t buying toys because their parents don’t have enough disposable income to do so? Wealth is concentrating upwards, and there will come a point when the lower half are just completely empty.

So say all things being equal between two candidates, are you just as outraged at the idea of one being picked over the other because he *is* a white man, as has generally been the case?

Cool, I will bump this up on my to-read list. All the Hugo books I’ve read so far from the last couple years have been absolutely awesome. I’m so glad those weird puppy dudes didn’t ruin them

You had a DVD? We watched our Monty Python on a bootlegged black and white betamax, that we had to return to the store the day before we rented it!

Ugggggh that’s *so* bad. Like, sooooo bad

How am I still in the greys 90% of the time, but this guy can post???

Are we totally sure it was that song? To me, it sounded like it was a possible mis-singing of, or alteration on Rose’s whistle tune

1) yeah it didn’t make a lot of sense. I’m thinking she’s more of a catspaw/middlewoman in this situation. Even if your boss is terrible, framing them for murder is a bit much.

Yes, sorry I was having a hard time putting my thoughts into words. The things in the movie are so important because they are in the movie

I actually didn’t even realize it was a Cohen brothers movie until recently. I have seen some of their films, I guess (but not the violent ones) and could take or leave them.   I first saw TBL in high school or maybe uni, and loved it. It’s funny, but also so genre blurring that I never really thought of it as a comedy

I think the reason the trappings are so frequently referenced is *because* we like the writing so much. I agree it’s like Monty Python in its absurdity- the writing is what makes the absurd coherent and the individual elements of the movie become iconic because they are so disparit but so essential to the movie

I honestly had no idea that this is what happened to Gawker. Then again it also never occurred to me that Hulk Hogan wasn’t his real name (at least the Hogan part), so I may be a tad out of touch...

Apparently he tried to sell his first film flam company on eBay, so I think he is perhaps just not very smart