Lost in Transposition

His character was always my least favorite part of Silicon Valley. He had a few funny lines but was mostly just an overbearing/menacing jerk. He reminded me of the worst parts of certain people who I’ve known, which was probably the point, but still, I won’t miss him

Cool, thanks. The book was very atmospheric and more than a bit trippy. I enjoyed it but couldn’t make it through the second one. I remember them specifically *not* being very science-y, so that’s definitely a pro for the movie for me

Do you know how it compares to the book? I only *just* realized they were the same thing when I went to see Black Panther and was really torn between which one to buy a ticket for

No tactical gear should be necessary at a school. Ever.

wtaf, that is so fucked up

I say this far too often, probably, but smartphones are the greatest scam ever. And I say this as someone who loves computers and new technology. It’s absolutely nuts, and an incredible testement to modern marketing.

Thank you! I wish these people would bother actually reading the first amendment and/or maybe learning about actual cases of censorship in world history

I think maybe you’re thinking of censure?

None of those things are examples of censorship. Censorship is the surpression of *information* by an *authority*. Complaining about objectionable content is a free market practice. Asking for content to be removed is not equivalent to banning the content itself, which, again, would require some level of authority.

How is this unconstitutional, or even censorship?

Customers providing feedback and requests to companies *is* the free market, is it not?

Yeah, drug store near my house has a few self checkout tills and usual just one human till. The human till person spends the majority of their time helping disoriented elderly folks use the self checkout

So basically Americans will potentially be stuck using AOL while the rest of the world marches onwards

🎶 lowered expectations...🎶

No kidding. I would have no frame of reference for how closely it resembles the real deal

They defend the rich without even pretending to be impartial. Other stations at least have the common decency to half-assedly keep up the illusion of balanced reporting

The support agent avatar on their site looks about 13. Everything about this seems so legit. They also advertise “unlimited potential clients” - I’m not really sure how that works as there is a finite amount of people

Lol one of the Trump guys I know actually moved from here (BC) to AB. Because, of course

Yeah, I don’t know. We had some really progressive governments in the past, that set up the healthcare system, etc, but a lot of Canadians are not terribly progressive themselves, unfortunately

I don’t subscribe to cable. $50 a month is too much