Lost in Transposition

That comment was not very clear, I wrote it pretty late at night. The Roma don’t enroll in state provided programs for care, so they tend to be the only people you see panhandling or otherwise seemingly out on the street. I should also have been more explicit that the unsettling thing was that it was so rare and so

I know several pro-Trump Canadians. I think it’s really that they’re just racists and this is a relatively acceptable way for them to express that. A couple are also pseudo libertarians too. How they square that with Trumpism, I have no idea.

It would be nice if Netflix in my country had this show at all. Or like really anything. Yay, Canada’s media monopolies.

I get greyed a random amount of time, so maybe no one will ever read this, but I got to visit Sweden a couple years ago and aside from a few Roma (which is a full on different kettle of fish) I saw two people the whole time who looked possibly mentally ill. They were well dressed, but looked somehow faded, walking

Those Hollywood shows are so incredibly detailed

Does anyone else relent this being a trend like, 10 years ago?

It’s dumb and potentially illegal, yes, but as long as you don’t light anything on fire or climb up on random things, the danger is pretty minimal. It’s a huge area filled with couches and beds. Not the most extreme place to spend the night

Good info. I live in BC, and thought it would be similar to here

There so much going on in the final screen, between the weird font(s) and the choice to for some reason put the words on a stave 10/10 local advertising

Oh man. Can that be classified as a hate crime?

Picking normally pays quite well, from what I’ve heard. And since it’s typically indoors, it’s year-round, not just one harvest

This is some dumb don’t ask don’t tell nonsense. The movie is already about witchcraft, so the hardcore Christian audience isn’t watching anyway. Seems like this will anger more people than it will appease

Death Race 2000 actually works as satire/allegory and is a way better film, especially when you consider budget. Have not seen Rollerball - is it good?

The battery sucking issue is what they were trying to mitigate by under clocking the CPUs in the OS updates. Apple has a really odd approach to “features”. I believe it’s now a setting you can disable, so people are free to use their devices with increased power consumption and a shorter battery life, just like you

The reloading thing is super annoying and has been an issue in iOS Safari for years. Like, no other browsers have that issue... I think it’s actually a “feature” to prevent it from using too much memory, but it’s annoying af that it does so at the expense of just not loading the content

The premise of The Purge makes exactly 0% sense. Even as a weird allegory it barely makes sense. I predict the plot of this film will also make no sense.

The bridge mix! The bridge mix!

Oh good, I’m somehow back/still in the greys... I also wanted to add that, truth or not, Tim Allen’s project is not really an effective way to address it

I think it’s wrong to say it exists in the left, specifically. People of all strokes love their ideological totalitarianism. It’s probably the biggest cause of fuck ups in human history. Given how much people choose dogma over critical thinking it’s amazing the human race hasn’t wiped itself out already

She explains the whole situation pretty well in this article