Lost in Transposition

I think it’s inevitable in movements that the previous generation and the next generation will disagree about where the issues and lines are, because the frame of reference has shifted so much over the years. I don’t completely agree with Atwood and Greer but I understand where they’re coming from, I guess

And my memory might be wrong here, but I believe it was heavily implied that Crake wanted her to sleep with Jimmy to ensure his loyalty or something like that

We don’t really get confirmation, that’s true. I was thinking because the child in the picture is a POV character, that confirmed it but 1) I think you’re right and it’s not definitively her and 2) that whole narrative could have been Jimmy’s creation and not real at all.

How was she going behind Crake’s back? Once she finally realized what she’d done?

The flashbacks are a plus!! It can be like Lost or TWD - lots of space to expand the world, even more than in the books. It would probably benefit from simultaneously telling the Ren, Toby and Jimmy stories

Lol okay I guess I should have written the publisher enquiring about the gender of the authors? Are you just trolling or do you actually not understand how bias works?

It’s the least enjoyable book of the trilogy imo, because of Jimmy. He’s the worst. The Year of the Flood is really good.

I think it’s a good story to adapt for tv because so much is flashbacks, and aside from the pigoons there aren’t really a lot of effects needed. Year of the Flood was definitely the most compelling book of the trilogy. It took me multiple attempts to read Oryx and Crake; I wishYear of theFlood had been the first novel.

I hear you

Yeah if it was a reprint I’d hope you’d figure it out

It’s for SEO. You need to post new content for the site as a whole to rank well, and individual pages need lots of words on them because scoring reasons. A huge part of why the internet is fucked is Google SEO related, it’s unfortunate, but also a good illustration of why monopolies are bad


1) yes, but 2) how could anyone determine what’s engaging for everyone? The Outsiders was literally 1 of 2 books in my 12 years of grade school that I hadn’t already read by the time it was assigned so it stands out for me for that reason and no other.

There’s one, not about soccer though, where the young guy is the son and kills his dad (that he finally tracked down). Otherwise I 100% agree with you.

I know exactly one person who will benefit from this knowledge. Aside from the hooliganism, there are sooooo many English, like, minor gangster movies. And they’re all shit.

Yeah and that’s the worst. Like, it’s awesome Jane Austen eventually got published, but how many more great works might we have today if women’s attempts hasn’t just been basically thrown in the fire

Yeah, the self fulfillingthing... It would be cool if the reprints had the full name.

I saw it more as a “what if” scenario. Our reality is based on infinite growth. I think the book explores the scenario where that’s (mostly) definitively impossible, and hope how humanity would respond.

That makes sense. I think I kind of got the inverse of ‘we should cherish and maintain what we have’ but it definitely cuts both ways.

I was so blown away about a year ago when I learned that The Outsiders was written by an 18 year old woman. I never really liked the book - I didn’t hate it - but I definitely respect it more as a first novel from essentially a kid.