Lost in Transposition

What about it did you find depressing?

Because it was like 200 years of swords and maybe some really terrible firearms, to dropping bombs outof planes and automatic weapons. WWI triggered a major arms race

Seems to work for Batman and Spiderman too

That’s good to know. I’ve only seen (most of) the pilot and was really squicked out by the Archie teacher plot. Like, especially for something set in the Archie universe, ew.

No. And from your description, youare not the target of the point of the #metoo movement. Frankly it’s just not about you. Go about your day respectfully interacting with the women in your life. If you’re really worried about doing a specific thing wrong, use your words and talk to her about it.

I think it makes a certain sense that the American Wizards would choose to use the French term instead of the English. I mean, this is a country that adopted coffee over tea and driving in the opposite side of the road just to establish their un-Britishness. If you think about it as the French creating the term first,

Sure, but that’s the whole point of immigration. The idea of someone moving to the us from Norway is laughable

Ancillary Justice is so great. I read that trilogy (twice!) this year. I cannot believe that’s her first novel.

Why do people care so much about seals? Have you ever seen a seal? Like they’re pretty and all, but in the same way a cow is pretty. I will never understand the backlash towards seasonal restricted seal harvesting as compared to the utter indifference towards what we put cows through

I think a lot of the Mexicans leaving Mexico are doing it to escape the violence and rape

I would love to see just more life on the train kind of stuff. I liked the world building in the movie and definition wouldn’t mind checking out more of it. Maybe they can do a sort of upstairs downstairs thing with the different cars/classes

Yeah, there’s a big problem, at least in Canada, where people who have committed crimes are made to go to AA as a part of their sentencing (or probation, etc) but they don’t have to disclose that. So on the one hand you have vulnerable addicts who are there voluntarily and ready tochange their lives, and then people

Yeah, flashers are still a pretty common problem, unfortunately

Maybe some of the cards got melted down, but some made it to the Shaftoes’ boat and a beach in the90s where Randy saw them.

Oh, that! I was thinking like a speech in front of a crowd or something. Thatbook is one of my all time favs, I read it almost once a year. In my last reading or few, I’ve noticed some more overt cultural misogyny/PC backlash stuff in other parts of it, but the dinner party speech is pretty much just him defending the

If you had to cook and eat the same meal for dinner for a month, what would it be?

What? What speech?

Not implausible

Yeah there’s no fucking way I’d put my real name on a dating profile. Hopefully they’ll change it back after the first couple murders.