Lost in Transposition

Ugh, fuck those guys.

Filming this crime spree was the best idea we ever had!

Yeah, who is the “we” in that sentence? Dudes? Star wars fans?

Fair enough. But he didn’t hate it. Your examples, aside from spooky air bud (Ihope), all suffered from some pretty serious misogynist backlash from the alt right. Perhaps people who were ”on the fence”about it, as it were, realized their own mixed feelings about the movie had unconciously similar roots and decided

Is no one else more disturbed by the “there was a time we ruled society and I want to see that again” part of it!?!

That seems pretty straw man-y. He’s taking about a specific movie, within a specific context. Not *any* movie, and certainly not any air bud movies.

From Star Trek VI:

I’m kind of shocked that you’re asking this now. If you don’t mind me asking, what did you think the whole net neutrality thing was about?

Yeah, to be fair the company had a pretty bad turnover rate anyway, but especially the getting more work for the same pay part felt sexist. Luckily I was able to find a much higher paying job with a much better work environment, so that was pretty validating

I had this same bullshit at my last job... I *demonstrably* did more work than my male co-workers. I tried to negotiate for a raise for months, eventually getting like a 2% raise. I was taken aside by my team lead so he could inform me that I would now have additional tasks and responsibilities “in lieu of” a raise.

Sweden is doing pretty good. Plus they just adopted six hour work day, so they’re actively moving in the right direction.

It’s a double edged sword... If this wasn’t attached to the Ocean’s franchise, would anyone bother to see it? And even that way of thinking is annoying because it’s as though women can’t just be characters/part of major cinematic culture without it being somehow framed around men. Look at Fury Road - Furiosa was 100%

I think a lot of people confuse globalism with the concurrent concentration of money/power we’ve been experiencing. Globalism doesn’t need to be like that, it could indeed be Utopia. The trick, as you say, is preventing automation from making one guy super rich while 100 struggle to survive - or, socialism- or,

She didn’t marry because the guy she was about to marry (and/or possibly just the institution of marriage itself at the time) would have prevented her from continuing her writing career. I believe she went so far as to initially accept his proposal, only to change her mind.

I read wind up girl this year and thought it was just okay. I loved the premise, but the book itself is almost more like a collection of short stories than a coherent work

Hey man, if it works it works

Umm, yeah, he’s a *lightning* mouse

I have never seen anything more disconcerting than Pikachu’s low-pitched human voice in that game trailer

I see it being a long time before we’re close to a post racial society. Racial inequality is very closely tied to economic inequality, and I don’t see the USA even pretending to want to address that, and even if they did, I don’t see them doing it. I mean, they can’t even figure out health care.

I have reported several hateful, harassing things as hate speech or harassment but they somehow never violate the terms of service! I have been really curious as to what would, but now that I know, I’m pretty disheartened.