Lost in Transposition

Luxury! We watched it poorly performed by travelling thespians who’d steal our chickens when they left!

There are some who call me...

It’s simple really. When you make incredible amounts of money in your 20s, experience zero true hardships outside the life of a musician and surround yourself with yes-men and groupies the rest of your life. It’s easy to have all the stupid ideas you had cement as “facts” in your mind.

if you describe yourself as a capitalist, no matter what adjectives you put in front of it, you ain’t anti-establishment for shit

By “free-market libertarian capitalist”, he means “rich”.

Good Lord, he sounds like the insufferable 16 year old me back in the early 90’s when I thought I knew what the fuck I was talking about. Except he’s just still there. String a bunch words together without examining how incongruous they are and just roll with it. I’d love to see his definitions of establishment,

This is why we need a down vote button

Maybe that’s the common ground that lets him work with 45.

The bone spurs are coming from inside the house!

Nah, his stunt made those charities a lot more money. How many conservatives now want to stick it to the libs by buying a book they probably would have known literally nothing about?

I once heard a theory that children can disavow horribly shitty family members who are evil human beings and that they (the children) have a moral imperative to do so. Call me a bad son, but once my parents voted for Trump even when his administration would be an actual existential threat to their gay child, I could

Pence’s book will sell millions more copies as a result of this.

But not when you bring POLITICS into a book, politics like “hey, maybe gay people don’t deserve to be second class citizens” or the politics of “gay people exist at all” (since children’s books NEVER talk about heterosexuality or have books about a mommy and a daddy). Of course, this also ignores the fact that the

They also love Freedom of speech. As long as you aren’t gay. Or liberal. Or a woman. Or black. Or not a Christian.

Amy Poehler was new to SNL and we were all crowded into the seventeenth-floor writers’ room, waiting for the Wednesday read-through to start. There were always a lot of noisy “comedy bits” going on in that room. Amy was in the middle of some such nonsense with Seth Meyers across the table, and she did something vulgar

I loved the 30 Rock episode where Tracy, having just discovered reruns of The Carol Burnett Show, discovered “breaking”, and used it as much as possible. It was a nice comment on Tracy (the character) wanting to do as little work as possible, and on — well, maybe it wasn’t directly about Fallon, but could have been.

so Oscar Isaac and Charlie Hunnam were on that beach and all you are posting are photos of this bloated dude ?

These women are clearly just after Seagal’s Bitcoiins!

Yeah, I don’t believe the blackmail plotline is over either. Mostly it’s what you said about knowing how to blackmail JR/knowing Milos’s song. But it’s also the lack of hard proof- there’s no reason somebody couldn’t have blackmailed Krishna the same way she wound up blackmailing JR.

As someone who actually has a debut novel coming out this November, I’m really fascinated by this show’s depiction of Jane’s first attempt not doing very well and having to face the reality of where things go after that. It really is a terrifying thing to put such a big part of yourself out there for the world to