Lost in Transposition

I’d consider using something like Blue Apron here and there, if one of their bundles has dishes I’ve never made before. That way I could try them w/o buying a bunch more shit than I need.

Yeah! How dare women expect to be treated like they make up half the population!

I have adopted a Contusion Rider, which means everyone is obligated to travel to set by motorcycle.

Mortgages won’t be paid, cars won’t be purchased, groceries will go unsold. We’re all connected. Fortunately the lawyers, accountants and auctioneers on the liquidation side will still be able to keep their European vacations, vacation homes and skyboxes at the stadiums. Phew!

Someone please tell my advisor that a dissertation is 15,000 words.

I have adopted a Reclusion Rider; it stipulates that everybody on set must be covered in thick, heaving mats of brown recluse spiders. I have also adopted a Preclusion Rider; it stipulates that any production in which I appear must be immediately cancelled.

There are a number of people who publicly gave their reason for either signing on or staying on with this administration as a responsibility to be a “voice of reason” or counterbalance to the general insanity, ineptitude, and corruption of the Trump White House.

I like Sean Bean (don’t we all), but his performance in the show was always a little somnambulant. He didn’t exactly seem connected to the material.

Does James Corden really count as being a “grown man”?

Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why Ned had thought that, we would know a lot more about the nature of the show than we do now.

I would think petunias and ‘Oh, no. Not again.’

The gag real on Thor: Ragnarok has Cait Blanchett saying that she needs to stop making sound effect noises with her mouth when mimes whipping out her magical blades, so it seems to be a common problem in acting.
I guess we’ve all got a little bit of the playground kid still in us.

I got a Community’s Magnitude notification for this?

You clicked on the article, read it, and then commented on it.

So... you?

Saying “pew” adds +2 to damage. It is known.

Now who’s being cynical? The formula is simple:

You had me at “100 percent fatal” service. You don’t even need to bother with the preservation or uploading part.

the catch is theyre uploading you to Kinja

A new startup wants to upload your brain to a server, but with one very small catch: They don’t know how.

It’s interesting watching this take place...I hope it catches fire...I’m old enough that when I was a little kid, teenagers were still hyper-involved in political discourse, and were an effective counter to old, corrupt white men.