Lost in Transposition

You know what also lowers plastic bottle consumption? Drinking plain water out of a reusable, non-plastic bottle.

Or Kinjaburger, which I imagine is a two pieces of white bread sitting on top of a horse meat patty, with bread-and-butter pickles and miracle whip smeared on the table next to the plate.

There’s a vegan Chinese place in NYC that offers vegan everything including vegan jellyfish. I have not had it, but it’s just such a weird esoteric vegan substitute

Finally we can get the in-depth coverage of Hillary’s emails that Fox News was too afraid to tackle.

Someone add Oprah’s bees to this gif.

Aaron Sorkin said it well:
-Ideological purity
-Compromise as weakness
-A fundamentalist belief in scriptural literalism
-Denying science
-Unmoved by facts
-Undeterred by new information
-A hostile fear of progress
-A demonization of education
-A need to control women’s bodies
-Severe xenophobia
-Tribal mentality

We’ve progressed to the point where tech companies are no longer adding extraneous lowercase Is to the beginning of the product to make it sound hip. Now the i goes anywhere.

Yes, catheters.

We live in a world in which high school shooting victims calling for action are now labeled “Leftist Anti-Gun Radicals.”

This, this sounds like a terrible idea. I mean, it will probably appeal to some, but since Fox News viewers tend to trend older, I doubt many of them will want to use a streaming service since that involves “spending money” and “using technology,” two things that are anathemas to many elderly citizens.

To me, anyone who claims to be (mostly) libertarian doesn’t really understand 1) what libertarianism is and 2) doesn’t understand that libertarianism, by itself, is woefully incapable of being an overriding, governmental philosophy. At its core, it eschews and unmoors basic systems which hold a government together.

Canadian. All my relatives in Alberta are supporters (shock!)

I know a couple too: my parents. They even put a Trump sign on their lawn. IN CANADA.

The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a fart is a good guy with a fart.

Is it even remotely possible to leave polo shirts and khakis out of this?

“Hot4Ivanka, who is hot for Ivanka”.

So the font on this looks like when you open someone elses project your computer and you don’t have the font they used so your program just decides to pick whatever it wants.

Simpsons did it!

Looking at the thumnail, I first thought this was a dating site for Limp Bizkit fans.

Just what every woman wants: Uncle Fester in a Fred Durst hat.