Lost in Transposition

You’d think that these people would already know how to get in contact with their cousins and wouldn’t need a service for that.

30 dollars? I think I’ll buy her non-union, Dollar Store equivalent, Laura Craft: Crypt Crawler.

“And alcohol is easier to obtain than any firearm.”

We are consistently passing new laws to regulate alcohol, automobiles and hospitals, while laws regulating guns have actually decreased in recent years. So nice try fuckface.

In America, you must take several months of training to qualify to operate a car, and your license must be renewed every several years, and no matter what state you live in your car must be re-registered every year (and in many states inspected as well). If I sell my car, I need to register that sale with the state. If

Surprisingly similar to the process for writing a popular AV Club comment. You just have to replace all the options in the right-hand column with a single

Gun control does eliminate this, Australia introduced strict gun control in 1996 and it’s now been 22 years since the last mass shooting. The US would be lucky to go 22 days without one.


“If someone wants to [...] they will find a way to [...] and no law will stop them. We can make it harder for them to [...] but that takes time and money!”

I respond to them with: “take away the guns from the U.S. military, then, if guns are nothing special in terms of what they can do. They will find a way to kill people with cars that will be just as effective.”

I’m so sick to fucking death of these cowards ignoring the elephant in the room and blaming every shooting on “mental illness.” EVERY country has mentally ill people. EVERY country has violent people. THIS is the only country that fucking arms them.

Actually, he’s an FCCboi. Which is much, much worse.

Was the AV Club told to stop doing political posts or something, because it seems like there’s been a big drop-off in the last several days.

My favorite line of Jackie’s father was, “We flew on the great iron eagle. I’m just kidding. I know what a plane is. I was in the Air Force.”

David Cross isn’t on the show anymore, is he? I thought that he became beautiful, was replaced by a different actor, and then that character’s plot was wrapped up in Season 3.

No, something the artist said was taken out of context. He does not hide sperm in all of his work. From the NY Times:

It’s a stretch though. I mean, could also be a melted ladle, a baited fish hook, a vein in a man’s head (okay it actually is this one), a map to the place where Nic Cage can find the declaration of Independence...

You know, I have to wonder if maybe there is just something in the water at Fox... There does seem to be a higher than normal concentration of crazy there.

You would have thought Sun/Jin from Lost would have made a bigger impact, I wish it did. I mean' that is still still revolutionary even by current television standards! (two Korean actors speaking in Korean for almost a entire episode with subtitles, on prime time american television!..still hasn't been done since,