
“Never say goodbye. If you don’t say goodbye then they aren’t really gone, they just aren’t here right now.” -RvB

As a fervent zealot and steadfast follower of the great Fabricator, I am personally offended that the great  Omissiah was omitted from this list.

You forgot the Korean Thor worshippers in Spiderman:Homecoming.

Another interesting religion worth mention would be Cabin in the Woods, where apparently horror film tropes are needed in order to appease monsters from beyond. I don’t think it’s ever given a name but I liked how corporate the religion was conveyed.

Speaking as a former homeless person, would you like to try?

Please don’t do these advertising schticks for books I’ve already bought! Weir had me, and all my friends, for life from the first 3 lines of the Martian.

The reviews that I’ve seen are that it’s a pretty by the numbers story with some fun science in there, which was pretty much my take on The Martian.


If you can keep your head when all about you, Mr Musk

Yeah, I remember it. I had a coordinated team for once, and for a while we were unstoppable. We had the game all but won, and we mobbed the final capture zone. Then with a FLASH and the sound of whithering ownage, my whole team was gone. Only a lone enemy Bastion named “SpaceCowBoyX” remained.

Now playing

Ever wonder what makes special sauce so special? Yo!

I’d change musician to famous person, but you get the point.

Having enough free time and access to technology to post dumb questions in a blog comments section.

Pressurization is definitely a concern. The other thing is the more delicate stability, those things love to go nose up then stall if you don’t have your weight balance done right and good control authority with lots of bandwidth. The stability issue is nothing some engineering couldn’t solve but I would imagine

I read your comment and immediately the song “You Light Up My Life” entered into my brain. I have strange synapses. And if my brain is working right, and it is hydrofluoric acid spewing out, Box ain’t gonna stop it. A coating of thermal insulation might be a light snack. Of course, you could also end up with a puddle

It’s a bit more complex than that. Saleh got the boot after bombing his own people a few times in 2011. From what I read, a popular decision. The interim government twiddled its thumbs though and basically nothing got done during the peace between 11 and 13ish.. The Houthis got worried that they were going to be

Ummm....yes they do. I received multiple citations for simply doing my job. Hell, we actually give people a ribbon simply for making it through basic training.

So much goes back to WW1.