Well said.
Well said.
No, no it didn’t. Both Germany and Japan were advanced technic nations. After the wars, they wanted to reform. They knew they could eventually improve their lives by cooperation. They are historic abberations. Most countries react poorly to invasion, and even worse on being told what to do. German and Japanese…
You’re the bastard getting everyone else sick!
That said, pray for the next President, they’re sailing into a world on fire.
The original articles says it was possibly a silkworm which is truck launched. So it wasn’t launched from a school or roof.
and they did it well. People could have died and they didn’t. If I was their CO, they’re getting medals. Maybe not a medal of honor, but at least a Defense Meritorious Service and a COM.
Can someone point me in the right direction on this?
Confront them with annihilation, and they will then survive; plunge them into a deadly situation, and they will then live. When people fall into danger, they are then able to strive for victory. -Sun Tzu
A degree is like a frozen dinner. Sure there’s a lot of knowlege that can be had in a short time, but its a poor substitute for decades of experience.
Oh don’t be such a fishpot!
I’ve seen some 90 year old WWII vets touch their squirrelly museum pieces down better than this poor sod.
Direct entry fuel savings? No thats just wrong. A direct entry vs something like a hohhmann transfer would just eat fuel. The mdot required is just huge look up the orbital mechanics.
Please, go on. I know enough to know Torch is on to something but please tell what made a room full of subject matter experts giggle?
Feh, you’d have to chase the numbers to determine which one is more fuel efficient. True the Musk pod has much better internal volume to surface area, but it’s also hauling alot of excess mass around where it doesn’t need it, as Torch points out, you don’t need to descend such a lumbering giant up and down from the…
unless you design them to operate in pure tension. then it’s like hanging jewelry on a yoyo string.