
Observation: You obviously missed the most worthwhile character, Meatbag.

How did you miss Serenity’s Operative!

You’re a monster, and I’m laughing my ass off at the post (while making a point of not running any of those clips). Enjoy your star. This was good kinja.

That episode has got to be the saddest damned thing ever put on television.

You FOOL! Do you have any idea how many onion bombs you just launched! To assure MAS (mutally assured SADS) my guys need to fire back. FIRE, FIRE EVERYTHING!

Now playing

It’s no opening sequence to Up, but it’s pretty good.

“You could almost check the Motocompo on an airplane as overweight baggage”

Vader: I’ve come to return this overdue item.

Nu: “An old friend once reminded me: we’re all stories in the end, just make it a good one. Also, Never make a nice person angry. Demons run when a good woman goes to war.”

Very sorry to see you go!

And another domino falls. Oh what this place used to be...

Good luck in your new job!

Will miss your voice here.

Some days you get the tardigrade...some day, the tardigrade gets you.

So long...

I don’t agree with thou on a lot of things, so I already thought on several mean memes I could use, but I will be civil and wish you good luck instead.

Bummer, i thought it was Charles whom was leaving.

Aw fuck.