
Soon to be followed by the dark knighty rises?

Not the dark knighty?

He should have a bat-bat, like a tiny little fruit bat wearing a tiny Batman outfit which he throws at bad guys to freak them out.

It’s no Bat Shark Repellant, but I’ll give it a pass for Snyder.

Holy puncture wounds, Batman!

I have a feeling their fellow sailors are going to be buying them a round or ten of drinks when they get to port, though...

Cassie Hack is what happens after, and it is glorious.

The crew may be eligible for the combat action ribbon, but I do not see them getting anything more.

Larry of Arabia has kind of a funny title doesn’t it? ;)

Overkill? Not even... Two Standards and one ESSM to defeat two incoming cruise missiles is pretty damn good.


I know and that is the sad part. This was an act of war and it deserves a little more than being just a blip. Cruise missiles are nothing to laugh at. The US cut diplomatic ties with Russia and now this. The election is a complete distraction to something much more serious going on in the world.

Let’s be thankful this wasn’t worse, and I’m glad our boys are safe.

If only T.E. Lawrence were here to shake his head at the mess the middle east has become. He told them where to draw the lines for fucks sake, and they ignored him.

Take over for Tyler. Please!

This is where Andrew is supposed to ask you to send him an email.

Because when things go right they don’t make news. If sailors had been killed it would’ve been yuuge news. But since nothing blew up, there’s nothing for CNN to play video of.

Vastly quicker deployment. Launches like a missile then does its business.

I’ve been licking airplane armrests for years and haven’t gotten sick yet.

That post gave me a stiffie.