Wednesdays Child sublettingthebrooklynbridge

I have never gotten the appeal of Woody Allen movies. I couldn’t even make it all the way through Annie Hall. I don't exactly TELL people it is because I am too moral and righteous, but I do not correct them if they think it. It's really because I have never gotten his humor and I find him and his movies unbearably

Did you mean to say that addiction is *perceived* as a moral issue, or that *is* a moral issue?

could be that, or maybe he didn’t like the idea of becoming a part of the addictions industrial complex. there’s a lot of bullshit health care for opioid abusers plus the social stigma associated with admitting you’re an addict. the world barely understands addiction, and opioids even less so.

Obviously she was all the chips we eat when we’re too busy binge watching to go get real food.

Gee, Gabrielle, don’t you know by now that when someone uses the word “favor” instead of saying exactly what they want, you are agreeing to a second job?

Fingers crossed they come out with a: “super big-ass bucket to go” takeout size.

The thing is, I don’t think anyone has bad intentions.

There are things you survive. There are things you get over or move past.

Welcome to the annual “How Many Angels Can Dance On The Head Of A Pin” debate. This is really important stuff here, folks!

I love that she wore something innovative and not mostly sheer (I hated her last two Met looks.) But, that peach-ish color looks awful with her hair and makeup.

She looks like a sexy egg sac and the whole thing is this amazing combo of alluring plus a little gross which is the best conceptual take on the theme.

It’s the BEST. Her dress won for me (based on theme).

I’m still like, versus what, tho? “Person who has a uterus”? But that wouldn’t work for everyone and is quite a mouthful. If I’m talking about females— and we can say it, it isn’t a dirty word — why NOT say it? I realize that “If a female were to enter this restroom...” might work contextually better than, “I saw this

Not feeling it. Looks weirdly like gum when stretched out to blow a bubble to me.

I’m sorry, I just wanted an excuse to use this.

We’ve all been in a mood. It’s cool.

Had to dive a ways down but finally, someone else here who likes Taylor’s outfit *fistbump*

She time-traveled back to the real Hamilton and stole his outfit.

Well fuck me because I MUCH prefer this look on Taylor than her normal bland crop tops and strapless satin bullshit. She looks like a different person. I am HERE FOR THIS NEW YOU, TAYLOR.