Wednesdays Child sublettingthebrooklynbridge

I was pretty bummed out because I really like Charlize as an actress, but there seems to be a pattern emerging.

I haven’t even tried to get them, but I can sign off on this:

maybe it’s you

I don’t get why everyone loves them, but someone below wrote about them being millennials and maybe that’s it. I also don’t like Amy Poehler either and she produces the show.

I don’t get them. I think they are talented but they are too raunchy for me (I can handle Rob Delaney’s, so it’s not like I am a prude). I don’t think they’re funny at all and their antics give me anxiety. They are not geniuses. They talk about poop and weed and penises. That's kind of it. I've smoked weed. Ha ha? By

Honestly, it’s getting a little tiring that people can’t voice their opinions without everybody jumping at their throats. So you disagree. Leave it at that. Why must we demand apologies from celebrities? What she said is not far from the truth, sadly. Some truths are hard to hear. The world is what it is. She’s not

Who cares. And—

No, I know how weed generally affects people, which is all that’s relevant to the conversation. I’ve known guys who can drink an unbelievable amount function at a very-nearly-sober level. That doesn’t mean that, as a rule, people should be drinking whisky at work (though, of course, they did in some environments in

I find her awful and her message awful. Violence begets violence, end the cycle.

I’m not sure that Harmony Korine and “eroticism” belong in the same sentence. Have you watched his films? This video seems a bit just lazy “meh just swap genders” imagery. It’s not empowerment, it’s bit uncomfortably pandering to the idea of “Hey she’s hot, it’s OK that she’s violent.” Not exactly a great message to

You keep saying that, and it continues to be factually inaccurate. I do not have “no idea.” I have an idea formed over years of interacting with people who use marijuana. I am baffled at this continued insistence that unless I have the subjective experience of being high, I am barred from a discussion of whether weed

I am pro-legalization, and have been for literally decades. I have also been around a lot of people who smoke. I have yet to encounter one whom I actually know—i.e. have experience with stoned and sober—who I didn’t notice was stoned when stoned.

Okay, and if someone shows me proof of that, I’m happy to consider it. I’ve been around a lot of people who smoke—including people who think that no one can tell when they’re stoned—and I have stated my opinion. P.S. We can tell when you’re stoned.

No, my anecdotal evidence isn’t enough to prove something scientifically. It is arguably insufficient basis to legislate. It is absolutely enough to generalize from—that’s how human beings live in the world. They abstract from the specific to the general. You have to be open to being convinced your generalizations are

I’m disappointed by how she has begun using violence as a display of power or strength in her videos. Rise above, Riri!

I literally said that I was open to being convinced that certain strains, amounts and preparations of marijuana might be fine for work, in the same way that caffeine and nicotine are basically fine for work. I have no problem with people who smoke weed, and have been pro-legalization for decades. My non-user status is

Certainly people have different experiences with marijuana. I have a friend who credits his biochemistry career to starting to smoke in college - otherwise he would never have been able to pass organic chem.

No, it’s pretty agreed upon that you shouldn’t be getting high during work, just like you have to wait until after work to start drinking. There are exceptions - for example, if you’re a freelance writer who writes intoxicated and edits sober, or are an artist in a studio - but for the most part there’s a pretty

black people have historically been mocked for having large lips. were you not aware?

So basically, white people trying to achieve a black aesthetic? How novel/groundbreaking : /