
She apparently got the memo on the preferred medical treatment of anxiety disorder, 1.) Aggressively confront the patient, 2.) Dismiss the patient complaints as drug seeking behavior, 3.) Racially charge an already deteriorating interaction, 4.) Make sure the patient sees your prison tattoos so the patient knows you

Dude, the medical community has some serious issues. I never go to the doctor, have only been to the ER twice in 25 years. My knee just basically quit working a few weeks ago and was in crazy pain so I went to the ER. In the hour and half or so I was there I was told by four separate people they wouldn’t be able to

If you’re having a difficult postpartum, you need to see a doctor. You and your infant need to thrive. If you trust your midwife or doula, they likely have an attending physician who they trust will take excellent care of you.

Definitely not the first time she’s done this. As a physician I can tell you the medical community can be just as racist and homophobic as the general public - sometimes more so - with disastrous results. Large academic centers tend to be a bit better as they’re often centered in liberal communities and have a younger

Let he who has never done this cast the first stone

“Look at all the women I know! The best women (because they know me!)! Binders full of women! Now give me my damn cookies!”

Narcissist. Shorthand from forums dedicated to healing people with dangerous parents.

Those qualifiers always make me uneasy. Is the suggestion that, if a man had somehow grown up without any contact with a woman, he would be A-OK with abuse?

If you only abhor something because it makes you think uncomfortable thoughts about the women in your life, I’m not sure you really abhor it at all.

Another clueless dude using the “As a husband, a son, and future father...” BS statement. Commence eye roll.

Sure would be nice if The Root would acknowledge how bad they fucked up over this, “shopping for homes while black,” indeed

The “BONER” bill for snorting really adds to the overall scene.

I was always my narc mother’s “little clone.” I picked up so much from her both unknowingly and deliberately. After cutting her off I had to do an inventory of my personality traits to try to figure out what was me and what was her. So much of how interact with other people is based on watching her. I’ve had to learn

As a woman with a sexist asshole as a father (may he rest in peace - lol), I enjoy Father’s Day stories that don’t idealize a sadsack of a father.
And sadly, I still loved my Dad and wish I didn’t see the traits I inherited from him.

I know this isn’t the point of your (very touching) story, but you were the cutest little kid and your fro was something to behold.

Please you guys I’m going to die.

Another option.

I mean, that sounds more reasonable. Counterpoint: saying “I headbutted her in the head” is a weird way to describe pushing someone’s head into a headboard.

muppets position

My man in the middle waits for Vlad to make a move then copies him exactly. That’s a seasoned flunky right there.