ehhhh, they’re docked points for not referring to it correctly as buddy christ
ehhhh, they’re docked points for not referring to it correctly as buddy christ
I would go straight to assuming you’re a troll, but Trumpers are dumb enough to think that way.
The good news is that Sarah’s now qualified for so many other jobs that require a straight face, like...
When you accept a job in which your foremost duty is lying to the American public, you deserve to have the press pool rip you a new orifice every single day of the week. A lie delivered “sweetly” is still a lie, and SHS has been far from amiable.
Any person accepting the job of press secretary for this administration…
Do you really think Sarah has been treated more poorly than Sean was? When your job is defending and justifying President Flip-flop’s lies and contradictory statements, surely you have to expect some tough questions?
I do love how Kanye is so clear here with his WTF, despite silence.
He probably enjoys being called that tbh
Dude, really? No one would be blaming the police for fucking helping him out, even if he did something bad or hurt himself after they helped him.
Yeah. There are still places in the world (and even in this shithole country) that are small enough and friendly enough that if you get yourself in a drunken pinch, a police officer would provide a lift home.
When I was an undergrad, I got extremely drunk and found myself lost in a neighborhood behind all the college watering holes. Two cops pulled up and made me put my hands on the car while they searched me. They then asked what I was doing in this neighborhood (they told me that it was a well known area for…
Okay. I can agree with that.
*for all intents and purposes
i always assumed he was white. learn something new every day. also, this is officially the last sentence, word, or thought I’m going to devote to 6ix9ine.
Breanna, I understand wanting to bring attention to the story, and I thank you for it, but don’t you think that the victim would be a better headline picture than the killer? It just kinda feels like we’re giving the killer the spotlight instead.
I was reading the comments trying to decide how to say exactly what you did. Except, in my case, it was (and still is) my racist, homophobic, misogynist family that taught me to be that way. I’m sure if Twitter existed when I was 17, I would have been as bad as anyone. I hope he is truly sorry and has forever…
No harm, no foul. I’m not mad, just defending my use of “Twitter” as a stand in for “Twitter account”.
He deleted his entire account, not just one tweet.
I see what you’re getting at, but language is malleable, my dude, and colloquialisms make conversation easier.
Reaching for what? This article isn’t really anti-Hader. In fact it’s explicitly neutral on Hader himself.
Oh, yeah. Dirigibles for the win!