
Oh FFS. Y’all all just jealous.

Well get on that: the more people who are fully within reality, the more power we have to keep evil unreal shit like this from ever happening :D

I think you’re weak- and people like you LET RAPES and ABUSE HAPPEN because you won’t stand up to rapists...or to anything. Get a backbone, then tell me you’re a “feminist” rather than a whiny, submissive housewife.

Not sick enough for you to be able to rape, darling :D


Leave the house much?



Also, why are you so terrified about non-issues like black men talking to little girls, when there are literally like four different people on the other thread trying to convince us that gang raping severely traumatized teenagers with PTSD is Ok? Are you just weak and easily scared?

Do all Feminists think that tiny

“very clearly gray”

about a traumatized teen who was gang raped at school by 20 men.

Please god tell me it hasn’t bred..please god tell me it hasn’t bred..please god tell me it hasn’t bred... *rocks back and forth silently staring into space*

Oh, no I wasn’t saying it’s OK to sexually harass anyone, please go back and re-read the statement I made. I accidentally used the word ‘woman’.

Tl;Dr AssPie.

Get a life and stop fucking your mommy, limp little aspie faggot.

Teenagers are ABSOLUTELY Fucking capable of making normal ethical decisions that adults are. STOP PROMOTING RAPE YOU PSYCHOPATH! People like you need to be thrown into a lava flow covered with flesh-eating ants.

Dont take politics today so seriously today..it’s all a bunch of lunatics out there fighting each other

Awww!!No worries LOL I don’t actually think you’re a MRA (anymore..heehee). And I only shared the link in context of science anyway, nothing political or controversial on my business page.


It is in the minds of the deeply twisted and inadequate who empathize with gang rapists. *Shhh- don’t tell them. They’ll wind up in jail faster that way.*

Because I’m just that kind of smart. ;)