You sound like an entitled dudebro. Do you wear a lot of khaki with pastel shirts from dockers and Gap?
It’s because there are vile, subhuman PUA sociopaths trolling jezebel revelling in the abuse of the vulnerable (i.e. predators of the weak) these days in full force- and the liberal pussies do FUCKALL to stop it.
Why do only THEIR perceptions matter? Verbal consent is bullshit and you know it. The feminists know it...everyone knows it.
I want to cut pieces of you off little by little. It will hurt more than anything you can imagine.
Go fuck your asspie furrie anime gf you sad obese weeabo fuck.
They ARE terrifying, arent they? Ive yet to meet a conservative who didn’t get this. But Liberals? It’s constant.
You assume a traumatized, abused UNDERAGE woman who was recently kidnapped and tortured, then betrayed by an abusive ghetto lover, gang raped by TWENTY DUDES is just you know- out for her orgasms? Oh sure. Not rape at all...Really fun for her!!!
loving the fact that you pompous eggheaded Aspie sociopaths
1. never read. the. whole. fucking. article.
2. have incredibly low ethical standards and expectations for human behavior ..oh you know, “it’s just what teh kidz iz doing these days” /..never mind that it’s MOTHERFUCKING SOUTH FORT MYERS YOU FUCKTARDED LOW IQ…
WTF is wrong with liberals? Are you a fucking lawyer, dude?
Didn’t you READ the whole article you fuckwadded sociopath? The *boy she liked* called like 20 dudes to come FUCK HER AFTER HE DID.
Normal people KNOW when someone is “troubled” as you so sociopathically put it. It’s simply like...just *how it works* for the rest of us, Ted Bundee. Now stop projecting, seek psychiatric help for your asspie syndrome, and just go the fuck back to your PUA porncave, kthxbye.
Don’t let this douchebro troll you, he is either a psychopath or troll. Don’t bother- he’s not worth it.
Wow dude, you sound like a fucking Asspie cyborg. What universe do you live in- who talks like that?
Do you do everything that you are LEGALLY allowed to do? Is that where your head is at?
Yep, especially when you read the “she complied...and word got around” part as said by the girl’s mom.
THAT is the missing piece that really fills out the picture of what happened. She probably gave up when she realized the “boy she had a crush on” basically sold out HER FUCKING BODY TO LIKE 20 OF HIS FRIENDS- AFTER…
How do you NOT know when a young girl is severely unstableand vulnerable?? Oh I get it now...”boys will be boys”, right? How could we ever expect young men to treat other human beings like human beings...how could that ever be expected...those dirty, naughty young men, you know how they are!
People like you...ARE THE PROBLEM.
Please go commit suicide immediately...kthxbye
I haven’t taken in ANYTHING in this article except clicking play on some video and blissfully seeing something like 16 shining, joyous, gorgeous naked pecs.
Thank you, gawker...thank you.
At 40, I still have literally never experienced “getting plastered”. I go right from Pleasantly Buzzed to Nausea-Vomiting within one glass of beer. I just don’t know how becoming shitfaced occurs within the body. So I semi-secretly have all this judginess and skepticism around every form of drunk shenanigans story. I…