
I need to either do more pilates or be 21 again.

for real

ok i dont agree with you on the beyoncé thing & i love Bears

Y'all need to stop fellating Beyonce's dick, goddamn.

I'm sorry, I love Beyonce, but she did not do great. She did OK. Beyonce is great at a lot of things, but gospel is not one of them.

Yeah, I don't know man. You make a valid point about people who overemphasize the bad feminist thing with Beyonce, but I don't think it's all about how she portrays sex.

CLOVER PLEASE. Tonight's performance was a HOT MESS! She was OFF KEY and it was just an insult to true gospel singers. What? No, gospel singers in the house tonight?

People are so fucking rude. I can't imagine being a hard working artist and having moment of winning completely destroyed by fucking Kayne West, while receiving an award and after I.e see kaynes rant during the e news broadcast. It's not fair and not right. I loved Beyonce's album and I'm not familiar with Beck but I

Fuck this stupid beehive is crazy. There is no reasoning with the looney tunes, that follows a beyonce truth.

Yeah I think it's a complicated situation for all the reasons you listed but that just wasn't her song to sing. It would have been nice if they could have had Ledisi sing and incorporate Beyoncé in another way. I am the biggest Beyoncé fan ever but it's not because her vocals are exceptional. She just doesn't have the

Ummm NO. No, no and no. That's why she DIDN'T win. Beck is an artist. In every sense of the word. Beyonce is an entertainer and is beautiful. See the difference? Artists win grammys.

According to Wikipedia, 'Drunk in Love' hit #2, and nothing else even made the top 20. (she hasn't had a #1 since "Single Ladies", I think). Beyonce's album was just like, a bunch of songs about fake female empowerment and pleasing your man. I'll pass.

Thank you, did any of that crap she dumped on her beehive in her last album even reach #1?

Should have won album of the year?? Bahahhaaaaaa!!! Bitch please.

I would also like to mention that under the stage lights, her wack makeup looks like she's actually in whiteface. Which in its own way would be hilarious/appropriate.

She looks like the knock-off Barbie on top of a Quinceanera cake.

it looks like a jr high drama club had a 50 dollar budget and were asked to create a dress inspired by gone with the wind and one of the members found their moms old bedazzle in the attic and said, "I got this" but clearly didnt.

I def agree with the cheap and ill-fitting assessment. It also feels really, really played out for Madonna to go with what is essentially elaborate lingerie. She'd surprise everyone a lot more by showing up in a super tailored Armani gown.

I don't know if it's the camera angle or what, but I'd sorta expert better for a lady Matador outfit by Givenchy. It just looks cheap and pretty ill-fitted. The boots aren't flattering, although, as always, her lack of cellulite is impressive.