
Lol same!!

I’m literally cackling out loud at this.

Swear to god, these are the best kept secrets in makeup. So cheap, hyper pigmented, no bleeding, stays put. LOVE them.

I think it’s more like, “Go see what Daddy’s doing” or, “Let’s go see Mommy.”

Just want to say you sound like a very Cool Dad and your daughter is lucky. Keep up the good work!

OMG, I’ve never thought of having a Link as another race, and now all I can think about is how badass Zora Link would be!!!

I’m a girl and Ocarina of Time was the first game I ever played as a very young child, way before I knew what headcanons were. I ALWAYS thought Link was a girl, to the point that I dismissed the many times he’s referred to as “he” as typos, lol. Even though I’m well aware now that Link is canonically male, I still

The animation shortcomings really did not bother me at all, and I’m willing to give them quite a bit of leeway as I can’t even imagine how hellishly difficult figure skating would be to animate. That said, I’m certainly a person who would happily trade animation that is perfect in every frame for a good story and

Some of the real big names are – Brian Boitano, Jonny Weir. Oddly enough figure skating as a whole is pretty homophobic, apparently. I only follow the sport peripherally, though.

I actually thought she was really good as well! Most of the time I forget I was watching Gaga, which is quite a feat seeing as how the costuming is very “Gaga.” There were some flat moments, but I think the writing is just as much to blame.

Any chance you could elaborate on your work/link to some cool reading? Sounds super interesting!

I may be the only person alive who loved Artpop and thought it was far and away her best album, but yeah, this song is trash.

Didn't he just buy her a Maybach for her birthday though? I saw it on her snap story. How does that figure into all this?!

I'm a true crime junkie but I don't know that one! I'll be sure to check it out, thanks for the recommendation. Sword & Scale is my current favorite.

Bless you for this. Silicon Valley jokes, I've found my people! <3

Right?? Like it’s a totally foreign concept to me to freeball while riding. I do jumpers so mine would probably smack me in the face if they weren’t strapped down!

Hi, professional horse trainer and instructor here. Yes, it matters. Horses are extremely sensitive and empathetic animals. They feel every minuscule movement of your body. Of course it’s going to be more uncomfortable for them if your boobs are bouncing around all over the place, because it will compromise your seat.

Thank you.

Really? I’ve heard that about Bella but did not know Kendall had gotten on the surgery train. I always thought she looked kind of the same as always...?

Fuck you again for saying that. This isn’t a competition of who can be more “offensive” but if you’d like to enter that race with my fucking rapist then be my guest.