
I'm guessing Vikings GM Rick Spielman already had this information (but he'll probably deny it) when he had his press conference today announcing Peterson will play this weekend. This is all sounding so familiar.

I could not agree more emphatically or passionately with this statement: "it's imperative to be anti-racist in our daily lives." What I like most about your statement is that it is active rather than reactive; we must not only not be racist but also commit to being actively anti-racist. To me this means openly

I am not familiar with OKCupid and the language you reference is appalling.

I have to be honest, though this is an icky observation to make... I hear some echoes of the Nice Guy Friendzone theme song in this discussion.

This whole thing is missing tons of context. I've dated outside of my race, but I've never dated a black guy. Does that make me a racist? I don't think so. I've met exactly two black guys who shared common aesthetics/interests with me. One was after I met my husband and the other was firmly flamboyantly gay.

There is so much wrong with this article, where do I begin? First, it assumes that white people who exclusively date other white people are unfairly denying Black and Asian people something important; as if the chance to have a white lover is prize that people of color are fighting for. Secondly, you're subjecting

Not to downplay the fact that actual racism and white-centric socialized standards of attractiveness probably play into this, but dating — particularly when you are looking for a life partner — is a little different than interacting with a stranger, hiring someone for a job, or even becoming friends. Most people,

It's grainy, but it looks like he walks up to her and slaps her then starts backing into the corner at the same time she sort of swats his hand away too late, steps to him and before she makes it, he just fucking cold cocks her. No appearance of spit or "instigation" that I can see. He hits her first she MAYBE

This is a Deadspin Video, in which strange sports moments are slowed down to ridiculous speeds and matched with indie music.

Option 4: Ray Rice and his entourage staged a "Weekend At Bernies" type video with her unconscious body where she hits him first and showed that to Goodell.

Honestly not sure who I'm more ashamed of: Ray Rice, Ravens, or the NFL. And I'm a huge Ravens fan. Nobody better say that Ravens fans support Rice because this one doesn't. Screw him. And screw anyone who abuses their spouse/girlfriend/fiance/whoever.

Saw it on one of my friend's Facebook feeds today. One of his friends - a girl about two or so years out of college at most, said "women don't get hit without a reason and she should watch what she did..." and I basically threw my phone out the window after that. I couldn't read any more, and I hope she doesn't breed.

Two things:

Goodell needs to answer for condoning such an heinous act. he needs to feel the heat. You get 2 games for punching a woman in the face and then dragging her by the hair and 4 games for smoking pot? This is ridiculous.

The part that really turned my stomach is how he acted AFTER she hit the floor. He didn't rush down to help her or see if she was ok. My fiance and I sometimes act like 8 year-olds and wrastle. One time he hit me in the face on accident and he acted as if he just killed my puppy. He felt guilty for hours and it didn't

In May, Rice entered a diversionary program that would allow him to avoid trial.

From the wonderful world of Wikipedia:

I really hope Roger Goodell never saw this video because if he did and thought, "Two games? Yeah, two games." Jesus Christ.

Ravens PR guy: "I liked Ray Rice a lot then. I like Ray Rice a lot today"