Also, his twitter handle is "brittmurphydad"? That bothers me in a way I can't articulate.
Also, his twitter handle is "brittmurphydad"? That bothers me in a way I can't articulate.
The dress(?) didn't strike me as all that bad. However, with that makeup palette, there is a fine line between "sultry" and "probably contagious."
Maybe it's too serious ... for Mindy Kaling? Maybe she's not ready/able/willing to be the poster girl for all WoC in the media and also receive the kind of flack that's guaranteed to come with such a fraught topic? (Hasn't she also gotten some guff for being less than sensitive about a few other topics? My memory is…
Yeah, that's not the right way of talking about the issue. If Mindy doesn't want to address it on her show, that's fine. Some comedies don't tackle serious issues. But the abortion episodes in Sex and the City and Girls worked well enough, even though both shows shied away from having the character follow through with…
The crux of the The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and awfully important to the show, is the Headless Horseman and him running around beheading people. The ad was in line with this theme. Since the Horsemen (there are 4 of them, in the show) continue to be the Big Bad(s), the show will likely include more beheadings.
A server friend of mine once had a customer say "I'd like the Steak Flambe, but I'm allergic to Flambe". As in "I claim I am allergic to anything that sounds unfamiliar".
I once blurted out "what, no you're not!" when someone tried that lie about onions once. Whoopsie! Oh well....
I know a guy who prides himself on the fact that he will walk into any nice restaurant and demand to speak to the head chef immediately. Then he says "I don't want anything on the menu, I want you to make me your personal best/favorite dish." He is convinced every chef loves him for this. I am convinced otherwise.
Servers hate those people (and we know full well they make it more difficult for people with actual allergies), but it isn't in our best interest to assume that anyone is lying, ever. The best assumption is to just expect that everyone's telling the truth, because the potential drawback is not worth the risk.
Apparently I am heartless because I don't think this was offensive in the slightest. The timing's somewhat unfortunate, sure, but the headless horseman is a huge part of the Ichabod Crane story, which is a teensy tiny bit older than ISIS. Also, it's not like beheading is so extremely rare that everyone would have…
Agreed. I think it was more unfortunate than thoughtless.
You're wrong. The guy who said there was gluten sensitivity is also the guy who says there isn't. There is a special place in hell for people who fiend health issues to get their whiny-assed way.
Unless you say you have a gluten allergy, then you should be cunt-punched. There's no such thing as a gluten allergy. Do you have Celiac? Fine, tell me you have Celiac, I'll personally ensure there isn't a grain by-product anywhere near your plate. Gluten Allergy or Sensitivity...GTFO.
So the fact that you're repeatedly called a creep is a reflection on... everyone else here?
All this proves to me is that pretty much EVERYONE takes nudes at some point and it's not something that should be used to shame them. Fuck whoever did this, and fuck anyone who tries to say the moral of the story is that people shouldn't take nudes. I hope I hope they catch the person responsible for this and throw…
So, let me get this straight, Reddit.
I come from a tiny town. A village, really, in the mountains. I mean, there were 500 people in my town. So, college was eye-opening enough; but after college I decided to open my mind even more and backpack around Europe with a friend for a couple of months. No agendas. Just a free, untethered, mountain goat.
So my brother's story.
When I was a junior in college, I studied abroad in China. I had taken Mandarin for two years before arriving, but had never used it outside of a classroom setting, so when I first arrived I felt very self-conscious about speaking to Chinese people.