Now starting at Left Tackle...Pierre Delecto.
Now starting at Left Tackle...Pierre Delecto.
Plausible deniability, in the context of leadership, is just a fancy way of saying ‘dereliction of duty’ or ‘neglectful leadership’ or ‘incompetence’.
So. Bunch of people are like, oh boy, how about all these crimes we’re doing, one guy says NOT CRIMES ALSO LET’S NOT TEXT ABOUT THE CRIMES and Trump’s case is closed.
The most important lesson that should be drawn here is that the Dems need to move fast and keep moving. This administration, and Trump in particular, has shown repeatedly that they do not do well under pressure and make boneheaded mistakes when they rush things. If Pelosi et al. give them time to circle the wagons and…
The most hilarious part about this feud between two idiotic devils is that Paul, in a tweet, called himself a “Realist”. I can’t decide if he knows that’s an actual school of foreign policy thought or he doesn’t and used the term ignorant of how it’d be read. Both are kind of hilarious, because his conspiratorial…
These photos are Kodachrome, introduced in 1935. It required complex and expensive processing, so it was used mainly by professionals and was much better than consumer grade slide film like Ektachrome. The colors are much more stable and fade less than consumer-grade film which is why these archival photos look so…
it’s the courtroom scene from A Few Good Men only without good men
“While most people, especially blind and visually impaired pedestrians, rely on engine noises as a way to gauge a vehicle’s distance and speed.”
Bank: “Yeah, we’re going to need you to fill out these 25 forms with a pen that 99% out of ink before we can let you go...”
“That would be in the butt, Bob.”
A butt fingering would have been a lot more exciting than this game.
We know it wasn’t Kanye West. #fingersinthebootyassbitch
I worked claims during in Houston after Harvey back in 2017. I can’t count how many customers I had that claimed floodwater damage and I couldn’t find evidence of it. I literally had one customer tell me that she had water up to the dash, car didn’t have a lick of rust on it. Turns out it was running rough because of…
Still slightly better tasting than actual cigarette smoke which tastes like your grandmothers dick.
The only way I’d fly coach for 20 hours is if they have a doctor on the plane to administer anesthesia.
Excessive levels of toxic waste didn’t ruin the Meadowlands.
Ok, but legit question for Air Force folks - How do I rewing the 30-50 feral Warthogs that fly into my yard within 3-5 mins while my ground troops play?