well he can forget about an endorsement from Procter and/or Gamble
well he can forget about an endorsement from Procter and/or Gamble
Voter Roll purges and gerrymandering will protect them for at least another 10 years. Sure, we might wind a couple of more seats, but we probably won’t take a the house, senate or governor’s mansion for quite some time. This alarm is mostly a call for Trump and RNC to throw them some more red meat.
The Page Six article worries a lot about the vanity tail number.
Ideally a city centre should be “owned” by pedestrians (and possibly well behaved cyclists).
THis AV crap is just one step above Therenos’ scam.
I’m going to tackle them all out of order...
one thing we have going for us in Portland is that it’s a great and established soccer city. The University of Portland women’s soccer team led the nation in college attendance for a decade and used to regularly draw 5K to games when Sinclair and Megan Rapinoe were winning the national title under Clive Charles. Sinc…
After Roy Moore, I don’t think even multiple videos of Trump raping underage Ivanka-lookalikes could sway Republicans. It might finally spur Pelosi and Schumer to at least consider an impeachment inquiry, though.
anytime some one mentions Mother and Pence together I Imagine a bare chested leather bound pence in a candle light room self flagellating to Danzig’s song Mother. IF YOU WANNA FIND HELL WITH ME!
Since the DOJ just came out and said they will be printing the census without the citizenship question, I have a feeling Pence was brought in to try and soothe Trump and make sure he didn’t start (the wrong) war
“He was scheduled to attend an event on opioids in New Hampshire”
Usually a plate inside the door on the way in on the left. Date is there too.
One time recently I was entering an “older” plane and looking to see the age of the plane. The Flight Attendant was like “Don’t look. it may be scary.”
Source: I was a flight attendant.
While that might not seem like a lot of points, it’s actually pretty difficult to pick up that many if you’re, y’know, not Pastor Maldonado.
Ah, so the soldier thing was metaphorical, but his discharge was literal.
That suture practice kit makes me very relieved. I’d hate to be someone’s ‘first suture experience’.
. . . but I cannot see where the patient’s nose lights up when you do it wrong!
But did it lose a billion $ last quarter ?
I had two emotionally stunted parents growing up. And until I went to school I spent my most of my time alone or with adults. Going to school for the first time was an experience.
I was very emotionally stunted myself growing up. It didn’t help, I had a shitty home life. But by my late teens and early 20s, I had…
I think this is very important. Many people will say “Well, you should just learn this from interacting with other people when you’re growing up.” What happens when the people you interact with are crap? What if you grow up in a dysfunctional home (where you learn most of your social skills), or get bullied at school?…