
What is this, a car for ants?

Question, does lightly pressing the brake pedal engage regen?

He’s gonna squeal like the brakes on a 30-year-old garbage truck.

The “Peaceful Annexation of the former United States” chapter of our grandchildren’s Canadian Russian History books will be an interesting read.

+1 Adrenaline surge

Last time I tried jogging my knees crossed the border into Fuckedupistan.

Drop in an LS7.


Serious question, did he run it by the (Acting) Pardon Attorney at DOJ, who’s actually supposed to vet these things?

If something bad happens to her, there’s gonna be hell toupée.

Payment structuring, a favored technique among money launderers such as them.

Cohen: I’m taking the fifth, not gonna say another word.

Stupid question: When the car peels out of the stall after a pit stop, don’t the discarded lug nuts shoot backwards like bullets?

Maybe he’s got a big todger?

I can accept all these things being true simultaneously:


Yo dawg, I heard you like engines...

She realized she was being groomed for Wife #4