
How about lining up for the 2 but doing the Flutie Drop kick?

The Language Police will nail him for not translating “VTEC just kicked in yo”

That’s the car I learned to drive in. *shudder*

The fuzz can always cite “PL §99.1: Because I goddamn feel like it

Maybe it’s one of those evolving language things, like “literally”. Until recently they seemed to have quite distinct meanings.

I pity the fool!

What, no Whale Penis leather?

I used to live near Quonset and I loved it! The C-130s would shut down by 10 pm, so no problem for an early riser like myself.

I know it sounds trite, but what's the deal with throw pillows? You have to "throw" them on the floor at bedtime, then "throw" them back on in the morning. Is an unadorned bed really that unattractive? I have no interior design sense, so these things are not obvious to me.

Just two good ol' boys... never meanin' no harm...

I suspect it was someone trying to sell a screenplay.

"Sheriff Ward did not mean to imply that he wants to shoot all minorities. Just Mexicans, and the occasional Jew for variety. "

Amen brother.

LOL, as I was reading this article a rambler came to my desk and started rambling. I should've turned the monitor around and showed him.

Broadcasting the SAME tones will activate automatic EAS repeaters at other stations. That's why it's a no-no to play the tones in a TV/radio show or commercial.

Pinkeye? More like stinkeye.

Watch out for Berkowitz's new cafe, Shylock's Bagel Hut. So good, you'll plotz!

I took a tennis ball to the man-region and still remember the pain, 35 years later. #NeverForget

I assume they call this the Jimmy Hoffa.

Coach class seats feel like being strapped to a piece of plywood. The seat belt is the only thing keeping my fat butt from sliding down into the footwell.