
Is there any food group these days that's not potentially infected with horrible, zombifying diseases??

Interesting, the linked-to BBC article doesn't mention her sexuality. Good old Auntie Beeb knows there are more important things.

I think I still have the custom-bent wrench for the idler pulley, but other than that, only qualified to be a spectator.

Haven't seen that much jiggling since last time I hit the Grits-n-Tits outside Sarasota.

Yes x 11, then die happy.

Very handy to carry around your spare transmissions.

Carries an 8-man tactical squad, or 16 dead hookers.

Depleted-Uranium slugs too. Reach out and touch someone!

Now how am I supposed to clean the vomit off my keyboard??

People tune in at 1:00 and 4:00 every Sunday, 17 weeks a year, just as they have for the last 79 season

@SweetSerengeti: I personally think the dependent tax exemption (US) should reverse after two non-adopted children. See above.

If you want to learn more about the Duggar lifestyle ...

@goatrope: And rats, skunks and other nasties.

Tie, Bonnie and Rachel . I loves me some jewish girls!

@jedchev: And that custom wrench you need to loosen the idler pulley. Boy did that come in handy on my '64 Flintstone Special...

Jaws 4: The low-budget sequel

Has SLR Guy been spotted in the vicinity?

@Lorem Ipsum: Fuck me, how do you embed an image?

Who knew, the Amish would end up in the lap of luxury, as we fight over the last bottle of Valvoline. Curse you, Jebediah!