Top Fuel may be faster in the quarter mile, but she's got them in the climb to 10000 feet.
Top Fuel may be faster in the quarter mile, but she's got them in the climb to 10000 feet.
Buy those lucky GIs a beer. And a change of underwear.
Doing the mattress mambo in one-sixth gee sounds like fun. Sign me up.
V40 owner here. Gives me a good feeling.
but what if you have to take a dump?
Wear your helmet, kiddies.
Joules = Stools
Shoulda read this 10 minutes ago; I just generated about 10kW.
She needs two men to hold her upright? Ease up on the Cristal, babe.
Might work as a bug-out vehicle, for when Cheney calls forth the Zombie Apopcalypse. Provided you have access to a fortified refinery in the middle of the desert, a'la Mad Max.
If he ever gets this thing moving, I'd pay mucho dinero to see a drag race vs. the Shockley Jet Truck. At night.
In Soviet Union, truck drives YOU
She's loverly. Got the best genes from each parent.
Okay, that Ünibräu ad gets the Nightmare Fuel tag.
Tuck rule! Tuck rule!
Ooh, artsy.
Bud ad = so-so.
That malamute is obviously taking performance enhancing kibble.
I don't think Eli uses that sort of language in the huddle.