That’s not what “trigger warning” means. Fuck you, John Waters. And, yeah, fuck you, too, Marie. Way to trivialize trauma.
That’s not what “trigger warning” means. Fuck you, John Waters. And, yeah, fuck you, too, Marie. Way to trivialize trauma.
I bet they know the difference between “your” and “you’re”, though, so they’re one up on you in that regard.
So is that you can’t read, that you didn’t bother to read, or that you’re so tiny-minded and egotistical - “I’ve never seen that word before so it must not be real!” - that you assumed “mulignan” was a typo?
It’s MORE ubiquitous, you fucking garbage fire. It’s WORSE than this. This woman wasn’t even the first woman to be killed THIS YEAR for refusing a man’s advances. It hasn’t even been A WEEK since the last one, you asshole.
Find a dictionary - there are many online, for free - and learn the difference between “imply” and “infer”. That Atwood quote - which is not a fucking meme - does not imply that every single man will kill a woman. You inferred that because you are a misogynist who doesn’t understand that women are people (with a long…
I love “stack up my orgasms”!
I love “stack up my orgasms”!
Stocking up on food & drink and canceling all your weekend plans might not be the worst idea.
Stocking up on food & drink and canceling all your weekend plans might not be the worst idea.
The greatest!
The greatest!
Another amazing thing about the Hitachi is that it lasts a LONG time. When I was buying my first (at Babeland in Seattle), a woman came in to replace hers - it had died after 25 years. My first didn’t last that long, but it did last for 10 years. 10 years!
Another amazing thing about the Hitachi is that it lasts a LONG time. When I was buying my first (at Babeland in…
So she deserved to die?
Found the racist sociopath.
Oh, gosh. I didn’t realize that you don’t know what either “sancimonious” nor “asshole” means. My apologies.
You wildly assume that someone is calling you “stupid” and a “crazy moron” (your ableism is charming, by the way) because they ask you to back up your claims (while saying nor implying nothing of the sort), but…
It’s not your money. It’s their business. Which means it’s none of your business. The end.
Jesus Christ, what’s your damage? Your reaction is completely unwarranted and slightly unhinged. They didn’t say anything like that; they weren’t sanctimonious. Get a fucking grip.
Also, cite your goddamn claims
I love my Diva Cup so much.
I’ve learned - or, uh, heard from a friend - to not try to empty it while high. Unless you want to drop it in the toilet.
Anyone can get PTSD. PTSD comes from trauma - that’s what the damn T stands for. Any trauma can cause PTSD. Furthermore, soldiers/military only make up about 10% of all PTSD cases, so clearly you don’t only (or even primarily) develop it from combat. And for what it’s worth, a large number of veterans with…
Oh, god, so what? This is so gross. Don’t police women’s food intake. Don’t comment on the size of women’s bodies. Stop.
Telling oppressed people how to deal, work, and live with/through their oppression is wrong. Dictating to someone how to be a proper oppression victim is bullshit. It is not a good thing. It’s a piss-poor idea. It’s also inherently oppressive. Excellent work.
“Not to undermine your point, but I’m going to purposely and intentionally undermine your point. What about the menz?!”