GG Tim Allin

While some on Twitter/X speculated that Taylor-Joy could be hinting that director George Miller was creepy or inappropriate in some way, she was very effusive toward him in the interview.

His and Ryan Gosling’s recent tonsorial moves indicate that 2024 is to men’s hair what 1980 was to pop music: Nobody knows what the hell they’re supposed to be doing.

What a bizarre critique. The special was funny;  like, really fucking funny. He revealed as much as he needed to in order to make the jokes work. Not every special needs to be doing some sort of Hannah Gadsby style confession.

Three sources, including one close to Seven Bucks, claimed Johnson averaged no more than an hour late to set.

A stone (haha) classic that I can’t believe doesn’t get more airplay these days. Douglas and Turner’s charisma and easy chemistry were off the charts.

Joan Wilder... You, and your sister... CAN GO! That movie is such a family favorite I am so sad I can’t share the news of his passing with my late parents.

A reboot wouldn’t need Richardson, because it’s obvious that at least some time in the intervening 25 years, Jill Taylor 100% would have wised up and left her asshat of a husband. Tim Taylor in 2024 is definitely a divorced sad dad living bitterly alone, unable to grasp how his current state of a affairs is a direct

*Orville quickly takes off his mask and joins the mob*
“Yeah, let’s, uh, get this guy...”

*Spike Lee angrily tweets Orville Peck’s home address*

I think Kate should lean into it and just keep releasing progressively more and more ridiculous photoshops.

The problem is in real life, this Nick Offerman president would have been a beloved godlike figure to one of those states. He either ran on the “philosophy” of Texas (aka MAGA), or he ran on the philosophy of California.

abandoned shopping malls

Overestimating 2024 American audiences perhaps.

When I go shopping at the grocery store with my young daughter and I go down the shampoo aisle I make management shut off all the lights and put a bag over her head so she can’t see the contraceptives. By doing so I am POSITIVE that her vagina won’t function until she’s married.

Both are big states with a lot more sociopolitical diversity than our impressions of them. Especially CA. The Religious Right was literally created in CA.

I mean...I’d absolutely let Nick Offerman be a three-term president.

Civil War is not about the military, or the President, or the origins of this particular conflict, because Garland knows that a 2024 audience is smart enough to draw their own conclusions on those fronts.

This is significantly better than what I took the film to be at face value. I’m much more interested in seeing it, which as a side note is what I used to use reviews on the AVC to think about. Thanks for a review that actually engaged with more than just a plot recap! 

Funny story - my dad was in Denver on business from Atlanta back in the days before Coors was sold east of the Mississippi. Like any enterprising guy he put a couple of sixpacks in his checked suitcase, which exploded in flight.  It came around the carousel leaving a trail of frosty goodness behind it.  None survived,

The Worst Take.