
Even worse - it’s not even an uninformed decision, but a misinformed one. It isn’t that they simply don’t know about the subject, but they have actively researched, been taken in by faulty data and appeals to emotion, and come to a thoroughly investigated but wrong conclusion. Much harder to disabuse than an ignorant

Perhaps we can set up some sort of trade.

Fake fear is always more fun then real panic.

Exactly, if they were making an informed decision their kids would be fucking vaccinated.

That doesn’t keep their snotty, drooly, sneezy (and the other Seven Dwarfs) asses out of other public places like, you know.


This is it exactly. Your child, your choice? Fine. But if you choose to opt out of the part of the social contract where you vaccinate your kid so that everyone else is protected from them spreading pathogens, you also have to opt out of the part where you get your child educated for free in a group environment where

I know, right? They live in a place that is literally running out of water, and they're worried about their kids getting a harmless vaccine?

These goddamned anti-vaxxers give me a rage stroke. First, you’re not making an informed decision: you’re making an ignorant, dangerous, idiotic decision. Second, you’re not making this decision just for your child: you’re making it for every infant, elderly person, and immune-compromised person with whom your

I have so much rage for these idiots. 1) Autism is not a worse fate than goddamn measles, 2) vaccines don’t fucking cause autism in the first place, and 3) how entitled do you have to be to not give even one solitary fuck about the health of others in your community who might not be ABLE to get vaccinated due to age

I can’t stand anti-vaxxers. The ONLY reason they even have the vague excuses to use these arguments is because vaccines were so fucking successful in the first place.

My Child My Choice!

Precisely. I just stand aghast at the people claiming life is so precious and then vote for policies that make it practically impossible for a large portion of the population to live with. You know, single mothers. That’s some epic level evilness and showcases just how little this really is about life. It’s pure

And, ya know, would also maybe, just maybe, support welfare, raising minimum wage, single payer healthcare, not sending Americans to war over any little thing that seems to bother you, like say - brown people succeeding in any way - and the advancement in quality of life of ALL Americans, not just 1%.

And like all forced birthers, they don’t give two fucks about “the babies”, they only care about controlling womens reproduction. If life mattered, they would focus their energy on adopting the near half million children waiting for adoption. Also, they would be protesting fertility clinics with the same rabid hatred

You might want to look up the definitions of “selling” and “donation” since they are actually not at all the same thing.

I for one am grateful to this video for exposing the TRUTH, and by that I mean I unfriended two people who were super crazy about this video this morning.

Well how the hell else are they supposed to pay for shit when we’re taking all their government funding away?

Who gives a shit even if they are donating or selling the tissue? Seriously...how is this a sound anti-choice argument?

of course fetal body parts are harvested and sold at planned parenthood