I never got this rhetoric, because so fucking what? So what if they did regret it? I regret lots of my decisions, doesn’t make them the wrong decisions for those points in my life. Regret doesn’t necessarily mean “I wish I could do it differently.”
I never got this rhetoric, because so fucking what? So what if they did regret it? I regret lots of my decisions, doesn’t make them the wrong decisions for those points in my life. Regret doesn’t necessarily mean “I wish I could do it differently.”
Missing from this discussion, too, is that you can grieve your choice while not regretting your choice. It *can* be a monumental and life-altering decision for some women, and there can be so much nuance to the emotional reaction.
OH YEAH - AND FUCKING STICK AROUND AND RAISE IT AND PAY FOR COLLEGE. Great, now I need high blood pressure meds.
It’s a decision of last resort - if we had the economic or emotional support (or maturity or desire) to have that child, most of us would. That’s why I for one, get SO PISSED OFF when MEN think they should have a hand in the decision or think we need extra time, counseling WHATEVER. It’s infantilizing and insulting to…
But if we don’t shame women for having control over their reproductive choices, how will women know how much less-than-human they are? Jeez, THANKS, SCIENCE!
Which makes sense. No one wants to be in the position where they have to make that choice. And fewer people would be in that position if they had adequate access to birth control and effective sex ed
That waiting room was the most surreal experience of my life!
Can I be the first to say “no fucking shit, Sherlock!!”? I’m pretty sure the majority of the “OMG women are depressed, suicidal, hate themselves, wallow in regret for the rest of their lives, and get cancer because they had an abortion” bullshit is actually coming from anti-choice dickfarts, rather than actual women…
“You know what, I really regret that abortion I had when I was a single, 23-year-old in the middle of my doctorate degree,” said no-one ever.
It’s almost like women are humans who generally know what’s best for them and their lives.
In other news- water is wet, and the sky is blue, and pro-lifers are full of horseshit.
I have actually seen a few English bulldogs, that weren’t AKC quality, who looked fairly healthy. Still the deformed face but not quite as smushy, and a body that more resembled a frenchie or boston (strong, straight, muscled legs and straight spines). The AKC and other conformation organizations have grossly set a…
No. No, this is not “squee.”
I want to hear the rest of the story...how much did we save not enforcing pot laws, encarceration, court costs, etc...I’m guessing the 62 million might be on the low side.
Slaves did not lose their dignity because the government allowed them to be enslaved. My employees did not lose their dignity because I kept trying to show them my dick and putting my pubic hairs on their drinks. If we’re being honest with each other, I’m not sure what the word dignity means. What’s happening, again?…
Thomas’ own marriage is only legal in all 50 states because of a Supreme Court decision. Just sayin’.