
Nope . I just thought that my very brief experience and that of a few other girls I knew was just my area.... good to know it’s not. Seems like to me a lot of guys just want to know they can “own”it .

No. If you’re a lady who legitimately does just want hookups, it is amazing how quickly half those dudes turn emotional on you, get clingy, want to be jealous of the other guys you’re fucking and can’t handle it. It’s the mere fact that you are the one saying committment isn’t allowed that suddenly makes them do

‘If I were ever in a court of law I could point to the transcript.” If the guy you’re seeing is planning his defence in a law court you should probably not be seeing him. New rule, strongly worded guideline anyway.

You know that thing where you start off believing someone 100% but they keep defensively repeating themselves until you start to doubt them?

In my experience, when someone has to tell you how smart they are, they usually are not that smart.

It is. I don’t know why she’s saying that the phrase is “smoke coming out of your eyes” since she’s like, gifted and has such a high IQ and all that.

Why does he always look like he fell asleep in a sauna.

I have not gotten in on the beauty box game yet precisely because I’m such a loyal sephora customer. I love to try things in the store before buying, they carry all my favorite brands, and I work the points game so that I never have to buy mascara again. So, this is the news I didn’t even know I was waiting for!


Their only objection to it is they didn’t think of it first......and make a profit off of it. The Republican party has never, ever had a problem with making a buck off of anybody. Kids dying in sweatshops turning $40 billion a year in profit for Walmart? Let’s give that patriotic company more tax breaks. This is

Between NH’s executive council voting to defund Planned Parenthood (with one of the members having been on record as saying “We should not defund this organization,” then voting for them in the past, then changing his vote with an eye towards running for NH Governor) and this bullshit I’m fucking vibrating with anger

As a doctor and Alabama’s Governor, the issue of human life, from conception to birth and beyond, is extremely important to me.

How can they say that while making actual struggling human lives so unpleasent. People pretty generally baffle me but these people are a different species.

“As a doctor...”

I know it’s a point thats been driven into the ground but I simply don’t understand spending this amount of energy screwing with womens health care and lives AND ensuring that once these kids are born their lives are as difficult as political malice can manage.

Mouth breathing pearl clutchers. This should be the stock photo for mouth breathing pearl clutchers.

Courageously...helping to drag America down into misery and ignorance.
